iPad Demographic Trends

Quick post today. A few weeks ago I got an iPad, and have been having a great time getting more in depth with its applications and market positioning. Increasingly as the tablet market gets bigger, brand presence on the iPad is becoming more relevant. A few key snippets on the rise of the iPad, with particular focus for iPad HHI Demographic Trends:

Apple iPad User Analysis from Yahoo

“As expected within the classic early-adopter profile, we identified a male skew in the 35-44 age group among these early users. In fact, among all users, men outnumber women 2:1. Given the economy, people with higher earning power were probably the first to buy the iPad. The first Yahoo! iPad users were 94% more likely to be affluent consumers with solid wealth and strong incomes than typical U.S. Yahoo! users.”

Who Will Buy the iPad?

Those who show the most interest in buying the iPad, per the report, look a little something like this:

  • Income: More than $100,000/year
  • Age: 18-34 (27% of people in this age range expressed an interest in buying the iPad — again, that’s compared to 18% overall)
  • Time of Purchase: In the next six months (9% of all consumers surveyed indicated it was likely that they would be purchasing an iPad in the next six months. While that figure may seem small, consider that that could easily be more than 20 million users, if just applied to U.S. consumers over the age of 18.)
  • Reason for Buying: A tie among 18-34 year-olds between brand loyalty and the multi-touch screen
  • Brand Loyalty: Apple (37% of interested consumers as a reason they want an iPad. That figure “really speaks to how well Apple is able to mine its customer data,” says Baker. “Apple owners are willing to try new products and trust that the company will get it right.”)
  • How They Will Use It: To play music or access the Internet

iPad Statistics from YUDU, on the Yudu Digital Publishing Platform


3 responses to “iPad Demographic Trends”

  1. […] Studies show tablet users are 11% more likely to purchase clothing and accessories than smartphone users, and are almost twice as likely to purchase gifts and collectibles. Part of what Gilt Groupe attributes its success to is the fact that their app is designed so much like a magazine browsing experience, so perhaps sticking to the print paradigm is one of the keys. A final factor is to also consider the demographic of those who purchase tablets, which typically skews toward wealthier and older. […]

  2. […] profile of iPad owners described them as

  3. […] I consumatori che acquistano un iPad sono generalmente ( indagine pubblicata su Wired ) persone benestanti, sofisticate, acculturate e interessate in modo ‘esagerato’ al business e alla finanza. Sono percepiti come individualisti, narcisisti e incapaci di altruismo. Questi dati sociografici sono interessanti cos