The Coldest Place in the World: Dome Argus, East Antarctica

NASA recently revealed that a spot in Antarctica just hit a record -135.3 degrees F below zero – that’s cold! In my time at the south pole, the coldest I experienced was -60F – not even close to the record.

This image shows the location of record low temperature measurements for Antarctica. From NBC News.
This image shows the location of record low temperature measurements for Antarctica. From NBC News.

Fron NBC News:

Ice scientist Ted Scambos at the National Snow and Ice Data Center said the new record is “50 degrees colder than anything that has ever been seen in Alaska or Siberia or certainly North Dakota.”

“It’s more like you’d see on Mars on a nice summer day in the poles,” Scambos said, from the American Geophysical Union scientific meeting in San Francisco Monday, where he announced the data. “I’m confident that these pockets are the coldest places on Earth.”

Here’s a quick explainer video.

Me in the South Pole Ice Tunnels
2012-11-18 UT Round With Chuckles - IMG_0653-1600-80


One response to “The Coldest Place in the World: Dome Argus, East Antarctica”

  1. Heums

    As cold as Dome Argus is Gandom Beryan in Iran, the black Stones are 70 degrees hot!!!