Infographic: The Geosocial Universe

Although we here in America typically use Facebook to network, there are lots of other social networks out there, some of which are extremely popular in other countries. These include QZone, Mixi, and Google’s Orkut. In this interesting infographic, Jess3 lays it all out. Also, in a nod to sharing their infographics, Jess3 released the graphic in multiple versions, to satisfy the visual preferances of every blogger out there – nifty!

Notable Facts:

  • Mobile: 5.3 billion mobile devices are used worldwide — that’s 77 percent of the world’s population
  • Smartphones: 21.8 percent of all mobile devices are smartphones. Despite what one might think, Apple does not top the list in sales—Nokia does
  • Skype: Mobile usage continues to increase thanks to Skype’s wise investment in apps and its mobile platform
  • Facebook: Now tops 629 million registered users with almost 250 million people accessing the site via mobile
  • Qzone: China’s version of Facebook, Qzone, is experiencing supernova-like growth with 480 million registered users

Found via TechCrunch

The Geosocial Universe Version 2

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