My 2011 Year In Blogging, according to

My blog is run on the WordPress blogging engine. Although I use a standalone installation running on my own Dreamhost server, I also integrate with a number of web services from One of those services is Jetpack, which provides me with numerous sharing and statistical tools for my blog. For the end of the year, whipped up this report for me.

Clickthrough to the report page to see a firework for each of my posts… you might be there a while!

Each rocket represents a post published on this blog in 2011. And because we like to share, we made the fireworks available as a jQuery plugin on Github.

Some browsers are better suited for this kind of animation. In our tests, Safari and Chrome worked best. Your overall score is not known (details).

We made beautiful, animated fireworks to celebrate your blogging! Unfortunately this browser lacks the capability. We made a slide show to fill in but we hope you will come back to this page with an HTML5 browser. In our tests, Safari or Chrome worked best.

Your 2011 year in blogging.