Getting Wet and Muddy for the Tough Mudder. Grrrrrr

On Saturday I completed the Tough Mudder Challenge in Pennsylvania with a kickass group of friends. A bit of background on the challenge:

Tough Mudder events are hardcore 10-12 mile obstacle courses designed by British Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie. With the most innovative courses, half a million inspiring participants, and more than $2 million dollars raised for the Wounded Warrior Project, Tough Mudder is the premier adventure challenge series in the world.

A few pics from the day, expertly shot by Paul Greenwood and Rachel Pennycuick, and edited by me. SLIDESHOW

Pre-mud, we were all squeaky clean and fresh. Gal brought the Fort Kickass underwear from last summer’s PEX Festival for us to wear for “team unity and kicking ass”.

After being sick for the entire previous week, it felt great to get the blood flowing!

Teamwork was essential for many of the obstacles.

That’s a pan of muddy water, with ELECTRIC FENCE WIRES dangling down. Yes they were on, yes they shocked, YES it hurt! A total psych out.

Rings, one of the many water hazards we had to swing ourselves over. Kevin was a pro.

The final obstacle was simply a mass of shocking electric fence wires, which we had to run through while stepping in pools of water. Yeah.

We were pumped and muddy at the end!

FLickr slideshow embed…

Previously, I went to the Tough Mudder in November 2011 and shot pictures of my friends running it: Shooting the 2011 Tri State Tough Mudder