Uganda is Positioned for Starlink Broadband – Market Access Analysis and Recommendations
Colorado Space Roundup: Challenges and breakthroughs shaping humanity’s journey to the Moon and beyond
Leading the Business Innovation Value Proposition Pitching Workshop at the NASA/Starburst Aerospace Space-H Accelerator
Costa Rica, 2024
Extreme Ownership – Jocko Willink, Leif Babin
How To Sell Your Aerospace & Defense Business – Discussion and Notes
Space Economy: Colorado’s Role As A SpaceTech Leader with Cody Moore of Caruso Ventures
Touring Ursa Major’s Rocket Factory with CEO Joe Laurienti
Discussing the SpaceX Starship IFT4 Test Flight with Mach33 Financial Group
Supply Chain Issues and Challenges: Perspectives from Aerospace Suppliers and Purchasers – Panel Discussion Notes
Leading the U.S. Dept. of State International Visitor Leadership Program Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Training
Before getting off the ground, consider why smart real estate decisions matter in the Aerospace industry
Exploring New Frontiers : Building and Investing in Spacetech
Infographics: The 5 most popular rocket engines in use today
Spacecraft Power System Development Startup Amplified Space Pitches at Angel Capital Summit
Rockies Space Fund Aerospace Panel Notes – Rockies Venture Club Angel Capital Summit
Starship IFT3 Lifts Off
Visiting the Baikonur Cosmodrome with Roscosmos
The NASA Handheld Universal Lunar Camera (HULC) will be a modded Nikon Z9
Teaching the IREX Young Leaders of the Americas VC Funding Seminar
LG NOVA Webinar Series: Innovation 2023 – Digital Health
Teaching the Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative Startup Investor Pitch Workshop
Judging the Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative Fellowship Program Eastern European Startup Pitches