Carnival in Cadiz, Spain

This past weekend, I went, along with pretty much all of Spain, to Carnival in Cazdiz. Cadiz is a little nothingness town on the southwestern coast of spain (no, not the southwestern coast of the Ibearian penninsula, that would be lagos, portugal). Rooms in hostels and hotels were sold out months in advance, so we ventured down there with no place to stay. We found a bus company that ran a shuttle down there… 20euros there and back. So saturday afternoon Thai, Emiko, Ola, Per, Chrissy, Lindsay and I hopped on one of the many busses going to Cadiz. We arrived around 6, had some food,and then the partying began. It was pretty amazing, the entire town was filled with people dressed in every possible costume. There were stages with music acts set up in all the large plazas, and bars on the streets. The whole entire town partied all night, and in the morning, those without beds (which was about half the people there) woke up in the streets or on the beach. I think the most incredible part was waking up on the beach in the morning, unbelievable dirty and sandy, and walking around town, just looking at the wreck of a city. Anyway, I’ll let the photos tell the rest of the story…

..::17 NEW PICTURES::..

click here to see the rest of the pictures!


**This post was re-posted from my first blog in college,**


One response to “Carnival in Cadiz, Spain”

  1. […] left out, but remain in my archives.First post:Hello, this is my new weblog.First full field post: Cadiz, SpainRoad tripping Cincinnati to Boulder. Talking about Campus Hook, a precursor to Facebook.Early show […]