Britney Spears giving birth

Listening to: Soundgarden – Superunknown

Ah, last friday, Jill and I went out to Williamsburg, to see “The Birth of Sean Preston” by Daniel Edwards, featuring a life sized sculpture of Britney Spears giving birth to her son, Sean Preston, on her hands and knees, gripping the ears of a wolf skin rug. In pink plaster. Incredible. I’d been reading about this whole situation for weeks in gawker, boing boing etc, and it was a fluke that I was checking out Pink Is The New Blog, and read that the opening was that night! A quick call to Jill, and we were off on the (L) train, flying over to Williamsburg, Brooklyn to witness the spectacle, and drink free beer.

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One response to “Britney Spears giving birth”

  1. >I’m flabbergasted. This exibit has left me, um…blip…uhh..speachless. I’m just glad you’re drinking free beer and not drinking soda.