Apple’s iPod Ad on Pitchfork Breaks Down the Nav

pitchfork-apple-adThe latest Apple iPod ad over on grabs users attention by interacting with the normal elements of the main page. It looks like the ad uses a similar flash/javascript/ajax technology blend at the Nintendo Experience Wii Wario YouTube Ad I wrote about a while ago. The iPod ad starts off normally, and then breaks out of its container, and interacts with the main site nav and page structure.

Nifty way to grab users’s attention, and since the ad must be clicked to be fully activated, I think the acceptance of the ad should be high, and annoyance factor somewhat low. The only issue I see could be the large initial size of the banner.

Check out a HD video of the Pitchform Apple iPod ad in action, Pitchfork’s site, Stark Online’s thoughts, and my previous blog post on Nintendo’s YouTube page takeover. Apple also regularly has these “takeover” style ads on NYT and WSJ.