Google favors mobile optimized sites in their mobile search results

Recently, a client asked me about Google Mobile Search Results, and how the algorithm works to prioritize results aimed specifically at mobile users. In general, I believe that Google favors mobile optimized sites in their mobile search results. There are a number of usability features, such as location base services, screen real estate, and touch gestures that greatly enhance the functionality of Mobile sites. Google seems to be optimizing its mobile search results to deliver sites that deliver enhanced mobile functionality to the user.

For your reference, below are a few resources regarding Google’s treatment of mobile optimized sites.



3 responses to “Google favors mobile optimized sites in their mobile search results”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by said: RT @jeffzilla: On my blog: Google favors mobile optimized sites in their mobile search results […]

  2. Jeffrey, it makes perfect sense, and a good reason for business people to put up a good mobile website, but why are most of them so slow to do so? Perhaps they don’t see the value yet?

    1. Easy access to good design and development resources.