Research: The State of Global Mobile eCommerce

“mCommerce” – Mobile eCommerce has been picking up significant amounts of steam lately, and consumer confidence has been rising. Recently I put together a set of info for my office on the latest mCommerce stats, Here are a few of the key bits:

Opera just put out an excellent study on mobile commerce.
Opera State of the Mobile Web 2010 Report, Blog Post, Data Sheet

Yesterday I had some time to speak with Scott Galloway of the Luxury Institute – they’ve just put out a great study on mobile and luxury, which covers a great amount of commerce info.
L2 Luxury Digital IQ 2010 Report

“Mobile commerce could reach over $50 billion in sales by 2014” – a great stat from a study originally performed by Mind Commerces. Unfortunately I can’t get my hands on the original study, but Mobile Marketer had a good synopsis.
Mobile Marketer Blog Post

Excellent top level study from Gartner (the company who publishes the “technology hype cycle curve”. The study includes great data on electronic transaction outlooks for mobile – “By 2014, more than three billion of the world’s adult population will be able to transact electronically via mobile and Internet technology.”, with accompanying analysis of market implications.
Gartner New Balance of Power Study

Finally, the big daddy report – the ComScore State of the US internet for Q3 2010. It may be a bit broad, but still includes some great graphs that could help illustrate your point on a whole-industry scale.
ComScore State of the US internet for Q3 2010

Added bonus – a huge collection of resources on media habits of children, youth and adults from the Media Literacy Clearinghouse.