Starting at the beginning of this year, I’ve been trying to make a blog post every day. As I’m finding out, this is not always easy.
For each blog post on this blog, I’m trying to keep it something personal and meaningful – when i post about a news item, I’m trying to add my two cents, rather than simple re-report the news. Sure, there’s always something interesting to look at, or a quick news story to post – but I feel that’s better kept to my active Tumblr Blog “Jeffzilla Tumbles“.
So with my busy schedule and always flying around town – and around the world, I don’t always have the time sitting down at my computer to post. Also, often the inspiration for a blog post comes at random times when I’m not in front of a computer.
So naturally, I turn to mobile. With my iPhone 4 and a few choice apps, I’m now posting from anywhere there’s service – like the back of a cab right now.
Hopefully I’ll be able to keep up the daily blogging with the help of some mobile tech.

– Posted via mobile –