iAd Beating Traditional TV Ads? Well Duh.

Today, a Nielsen study was reported as showin that Apple’s iAds are beating comparable TV Ad placements. In today’s market, it’s no wonder that ANY interactive ad platform is far outstripping tv ads. Interactive advertising, and now especially mobile interactive advertising is one of the hottest sectors of the ad industry right now. Also, I think this article may somewhat skew it’s praise of iAd, and make it out to see like iAd is doing great as a whole. Sure, it’s beating TV ads, but compare it to any other well established display ad network, and you may find a different story.

A Nielsen Study Shows iPhone Users Are Paying Attention, While TV Viewers Not so Much
by Kunur Patel Published: February 03, 2011
NEW YORK (AdAge.com) — It’s been seven months since the first iAds — Apple’s bid to reinvent mobile advertising — started popping up on iPhones and iPods, and now that those campaigns are over, we’re seeing the first effectiveness study, funded by Apple.
In it, is a fairly big claim: Those exposed to one of Campbell’s iAds were more than twice as likely to recall it than those who had seen a TV ad. Indeed the five-week study, conducted by Nielsen, showed that consumers shown an iAd remembered the brand “Campbell’s” five times more often than TV ad respondents and the ad messaging three times more often.