Notes from the New York Times Travel Show

Today I attended the New York Times Travel Show at the Javits Center in NYC. Here are a few notes from the forum, as well as the show floor.

Travel wiser with bloggers forum, hosted by David Farley, with Kim Mance, Andrew Evans, Robert Reid, and Jen Leo

– FB, Twitter defacto social connectors – all other travel networks should integrate these. Oauth is good.

– Travel blog as tweets, blog posts, fb updates, videos. Trying to cover all mediums simultaneously is too much and will dilute content relevancy

– When blogging while traveling, pick a style/format amd stick to it. I’m generally in agreement here, however I think it’s important to be open to capturing your adventures in whatever format is most relevant and effective for the moment. When I travel, I like to be able to report back on whats happening no matter what kind of connection, or time I have. Sometimes the only way to get a connection is via SMS, in which case twitter is a great choice. Some times pictures really won’t do an experience justice, so i switch to video. Whatever method works in the moment, thats what you should go for. However, many times by documenting with multipe sources, your contemt can become fragmented. To deal with this, I usually try to create one summary blog post, aggregating all the content for a single trip or event. That way, there’s one source for all content, and the risk of content dilution is minimal.

– On a related note, I wrote a few years ago on how to blog from anywhere.


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