South By Southwest Interactive 2011 – Wrapping Up

Wrapping up – South By Southwest 2011. SXSW this year was crazy – more forums, panels, speakers, meetings, shmoozing, happy hours, parties and concerts than could reasonably be handled in a single week. But I tried to do as much as I could, and had a great time in the process. Here’s an itemized account of all the media I produced during the conference.

I actually brought both my SLR and medium sized camera (Canon G10) out to Texas for SXSW. However, upon arrival and the first day of the crazy schedule, I decided that it would be easier, and actually much much more relevant to shoot photos of the week exclusively on my iPhone4. I always had it with me, and since it’s a phone too, I could upload the photos to the web immediately, rather than waiting until I got home. Overall the photos weren’t quite as nice as the ones I could get with my SLR, but I think it was the perfect too to capture the spirit of the event. Throughout the week, I tried to take pics of all the things I did, people I saw, and every checkin. Every time I checked into a location on Foursquare, I attached a picture of where I was at the moment to the checkin. Using FlickrSquare, pics from 4SQ posts were automatically added to my Flickr photo stream, for one unified stream of photos.

My photos from SXSWi on Flickr

I didn’t take a ton of footage, but here are the two that made it off the phone..

SXSWi Blog Posts:

On a similar note, friend Holly Chen just posted here SXSW Wrapup too.