Apple’s iAd Gallery App

Interested in Mobile Ads, specificially Apple’s own iAd platform? Apple just released their very own iAd Gallery app for iPhone. The new app allows users to quickly browse all of the custom developed, HTML5 iAd units that have run on iOS. For digital marketers like me, this app is a huge help for demonstrating ad usability, and researching past executions.

Great ads. On-demand. In your pocket. The iAd Gallery is a celebration of advertising, featuring iAd campaigns from some of the world’s best brands and their advertising agencies. The iAd Gallery gives you easy access to a selection of the fun and informative ads that have run in some of your favorite apps. Use the Browse feature to discover ads you haven’t seen, or to find those you want to see again. Even lets you tag your favorites to a Loved section that’s all your own.

iAd Gallery App Download

On another interesting note, apparently this app, released by Apple, actually breaks the app store guidelines:

Let us direct your attention to guideline 2.13, “Apps that are primarily marketing materials or advertisements will be rejected.”
This was probably included to make sure that “marketers” don’t just make iOS apps that serve as virtual brochures, forcing them to also include more features, like games or editorial content.