Friend Matt Clifford Speaks about Opportunities in an Era of Abundance at TEDx

This past summer my friend Matt CLifford hosted TEDx at his amazing place in LaJolla, California. In addition to hosting, he also got to do an interesting talk on Opportunities in an Era of Abundance.

Matt Clifford Is a self professed tech geek, personal development aficionado, and positive psychology scholar. He is the Co-Founder of Vie International, an education foundation challenging students to achieve greater results. He works with students and creative youth to inspire action and create positive enterprise through technological innovation. Matt is the VP of Finance at a platform that allows users to connect online and offline via unique identifiers, including license plates, mobile phones and online profiles. Matt frequently speak at conferences, workshops, and universities about the challenges and opportunities, students and businesses will face, and how to navigate the uncharted waters of living in a world of free, on-demand information.

TEDxLaJolla-Matt Clifford-Opportunities in an Era of Abundance – YouTube.

This summer I was Matt’s roommate for a bit out in LaJolla. Blog post from Relaxing in La Jolla.