For the next few weeks I’ll be living and working in San Francisco. Already, here are a few new things I’ve been introduced to:
iOS App “Highlight” – Location based social app. Uses background location to correlate who else you’re physically near at a given moment, and provides a very basic interface with which to reach out. It’s an initial first-gen iteration of a powerful concept. It works well, and the next step for the company will be to revamp the UI, add a few more compelling features, and slowly monitize by forming partnerships with groups like Scoutmob, Foursquare, etc. Similar in functionality to Sonar, but more based on GPS rather than CheckIn activity. Coverage on GigaOM.
- Scoutmob – Another location-based deals site. Pushes out local deals to consumers, often very attractive discounts. Did the smart thing and integrated in with Foursquare to push deal discovery on checkin. Scoutmob website.
- Semi-hourly cow eye dissection at the Exploratorium. I haven’t dissected a cow’s eye since high school science class, and it was fun to do it again. Amazingly, I think I retained most of my knowlege about mammal eye anatomy!