Delta + Amazon = Free In-Flight Shopping and Zero Productivity

Great, now I’m going to come off my next Delta flight both behind on work AND broke. Luckily I won’t pay for shipping thanks to my Amazon Prime Account. Delta and Gogo Wireless will now offer free access to Amazon Shopping while in the air. From the press release:

ATLANTA, March 5, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL) today announced the addition of free access to shop and onboard all Delta and Delta Connection flights with in-flight Wi-Fi service.

“Delta continues to offer new technology and innovation that delivers on our customer preferences while they travel with us,” said Bob Kupbens, Delta’s vice president – Marketing and Digital Commerce. “Our customers enjoy our free content options in-flight and free access to Amazon provides a convenient way to shop online at 30,000 feet for things they want on the ground.”

To access Amazon while in-flight, customers open their internet browser, access the Delta Connect Wi-Fi portal and click on one of the Amazon banners to begin shopping. Delta Connect also provides free access to real-time travel information, news content from The Wall Street Journal and People magazine, exclusive shopping deals and entertainment options by Delta and its on-board wireless provider Gogo.

Delta teams up with Amazon to give you free WiFi access for in-flight shopping — Engadget.