Ark People Search in Beta – People Search Meets Social Network Ubiquity

Today TechCrunch reported on Ark People Search, which recently got funding through yCombinator. Combining multiple social networks and online datasources, Ark lets you search for anyone who has a presence on the internet – both via publicaly accessible data as well as private social network you have access too. And there’s really no better time for this. Hot on the heels of network-bridging social location mobile apps Banjo, Sonar, and Highlight launching, Ark is the desktop equivelent. Desktop users, not being use cases for hypermobile powered searches, can narrow down people search via a multitude of technical criteria.

The next iteration of this, as I see it, is combining multi-network customized technical search with usercentric geofenced real time search to produce push notification when that one person who meets all of your search criteria is right down the block from ya. Wow.

Find Everyone You Can’t Google Or Facebook With YC’s Ark People Search | TechCrunch.