Looking For Content? How about HARO…

Lately at Fueled, we’ve been having deep discussions about content strategy and content creation. Both for internal use, as well as for client work. In our research, we’ve found this site, HARO.

Tap into the largest source repository in the world with over 80,000 mainstreet and expert sources who will respond directly to your query on your terms. No more flipping through your rolodex; searching out-of-date databases, or being bothered by unsolicited sources with off-topic pitches. Submit your query and let HARO deliver the perfect sources right to your inbox.

Better than just a content repository, I can use HARO with custom content strategies to source my own, one of a kind content from industry experts. I’m just beginning to test this out myself, to look for a blog post or two sourced from HARO.

HARO – Help a Reporter Out ™.