Trekking Into The Laotian Mountains To Live With The Hmong Hilltribes

While in Laos, I also did a bit of trekking in the mountains. Luang Prabang is a beautiful town, and is situated on the edge of the northern Laotian mountains, making it an excellent starting point for incredible trekking. I joined up with two friends, and together the three of us, as well as our local Hmong guide from White Elephant Adventures trekked up into the mountains.

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Overal, the trip was way too short, but a great intro to the hill tribe life, given the time I had. White Elephant Tours did a great jobs, and I’d certainly recommend them for future travelers. Additionally, it’s worth noting that I took a few hours upon my return to sit with the White Elephant guide staff and give them a quick field medicine overview. I was happy to be teaching some of my W-EMT skills in Laos!

Next… Hanoi


One response to “Trekking Into The Laotian Mountains To Live With The Hmong Hilltribes”

  1. Beckie Kang

    I also went to Laos. I got some shocking about the life pf Hmong tribes who atr living in the mountain. They are suffering from the food and clothing. I provided Korean Noodles (We can say Rameon) for children. I felt real sad to see their miserable life. Anyway, it looks so nice to review my trip by seeing your posting. Thanks a lot. From South Korea Beckie Kang