DSC02396-2014-08-20 Mont Blanc-Donenfeld-Full-WM

Daybreak on the slopes of Mont Blanc, as we cross over the legendary Dome du Gouter. From SummitPost: “Dôme du Goûter is the third highest summit of Mont Blanc group, and maybe one of the flatest top in the all Alps. Even if most of the people going on Mont Blanc Goûter normal route is going on Dôme du Goûter, the summit is usually neglicted.

Completely covered by ice, the Dôme has 4 faces. The west face is steep -1000hm over Bionassay glacier- and with serac cliffs. It has an Italian and steep icy an rocky southern face over Glacier du Dôme. The NW side is covered with Taconnaz glacier. The east side is covered by ice wich is flowing to petit Plareau and Grand Plateau and later to Glacier des Bossons.

The Dôme is connected to Mont Blanc Bosses ridge (SE) , connected to Aiguille du oûter (NW) and connected to Aiguille de Bionnassay (W).”


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