In preparation for departure to the ice, United States Antarctic Program members receive standard issue Antarctic Extreme Cold Weather Gear. This year, since I’m deploying to a remote field camp, I was issued a bit more specialzed gear. This was the first of many gear issues for my team as we gear up for deployment to Western Antarctica, and our main to-do item during our time in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Entering the Clothing Distibuton Center in Christchurch, New Zealand. It’s here we receive our Extreme Cold Weather gear issue, as well as go through basic briefing for our upcoming travel.United States Antarctic Program standard issue Extreme Cold Weather gear issue, laid out for explanation.United States Antarctic Program standard issue Extreme Cold Weather gear issue, laid out for explanation. The white boots are called “bunny boots”.These orange bags are called “boomerang bags”, and are used for gear storage, checkin bags, as well as carry on bags. In Antarctica they’re used for just about everything, since everybody is issued at least two.Gear storage for more ECW.A bit of my ECW gear, laid outMy gear issue list, with a few additions for living in the deep field at WAIS Divide.
Me trying on my Canada Goose brand “Big Red” standard issue parka. Each parka has an official program patch, as well as a nametag.Exploring the offices of the International Antarctic CentreIn addition to the Clothing Distribution Center, the International Antarctic Centre also houses an Antarctica museum. Entering the museum, as a workign member of the actual real life program, is a bit surreal – the exact gear we’re using is put on display as musuem exhibits, and there’a gift shop selling toy-versions of a lot of our field equiptment.
3 responses to “How To Gear Up For An Antarctic Science Expedition Part 2: Extreme Cold Weather Gear”
[…] Part 2: Extreme Cold Weather Gear […]
[…] This same design sees use in places as far distant as the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Research Station. […]
Best regards,
Dinesen Hessellund