Communication and Control at WAIS Divide, Antarctica

At the WAIS Divide Field Camp, communications and overall administration of the camp happens in the comms tent. A few photos:

Outside of the comms tents, various antennas are setup, including VHF, HF, and Satellite.
Outside of the comms tents, various antennas are setup, including VHF, HF, and Satellite.
The HF Radio set is a standard military model - it looks bulky, but it works!
The HF Radio set is a standard military model – it looks bulky, but it works!
The comms, weather, and administrative tent at WAIS.
The comms, weather, and administrative tent at WAIS.

DSC02460-2015-01-16 Comms-Donenfeld-1920-WM

Weather observer Heather at her desk, logging observations.
Weather observer Heather at her desk, logging observations.