Touchdown at WAIS Divide, Antarctica in an LC-130 Hercules

The flight from McMurdo Station in to WAIS Divide, aboard a US Air Force LC-130 Hercules. As we flew from McMurdo and approached WAIS, the weather got worse and worse. We circled for a while, and then at the last minute swooped down and landed. The flight crew let me sit in the back of the cockpit and watch as suddenly black flags marking the skiway emerged from the solid white view in front of us.

(Cheers from WAIS Divide Field Camp, Antarctica! Posted using email via satellite – I’ll post larger/more photos as soon as I’m off the ice)


2 responses to “Touchdown at WAIS Divide, Antarctica in an LC-130 Hercules”

  1. Sam

    Pretty good adventure :D Very interesting stuff

  2. I didn’t get on the Air force plane, But for the firs time I just saw the picture from insight. Waiting for rest of your pictures. Journey safe.