Author: Jeffrey Donenfeld

  • Big photo wrapup post

    Ok, so as you might have guessed, I’ve been busy lately. Very busy. NYC is indeed a crazy town, always on the lookout to swallow you up and return you to the ‘burbs. (which, I’ve gotta say, do have their merits and sound pretty good for this upcoming 4th of July weekend… hola long island!) Zee job situation has changed a bit, music has changed, people have evolved, and my iTunes just faded from James Brown to Daft Punk….The irony.

    So I’ve been taking a ton of pictures lately with my excelente Canon SD-300 (Although I’m going to upgrade soon to the SD-500, and get the scuba case for it for our trip to the BVI in a month)….What follows are some good representative photos from the last couple weeks, with my questionably appropriate comments… Enjoy, and please, please, PLEASE, comment on them, will ya?

    Ok… got a job at Triple Five Soul as resident DJ… its fun and exciting dj’ing in stores, because i’m pretty free to play whatever, and get to talk to a ton of people…. being in SOHO is fun too….

    My mother and I went to see a cool work by Daniel Buren at the Guggenheim called Eye of the Storm, featuring a huge mirror that did interesting things with the building.

    Cool.. Beautiful sunset on the lower east side.. Considerably different silhouette material than I’m used to in Colorado, but I guess it has its own character… The watertower is cool.

    Chris, Juliette and I went to a questionably thievery corporation show at Spirit the other day.. Interesting show, althought we got their a little late, and I felt that their performance seemed a little canned.. prerehersed, just going through the motions….

    However, they did pull all the girls up on stage at the end, which was moderately entertaining, especially when a few of them pulled out their digital cameras to take pictures of the crowd. Definitely

    So… long story, but what it boils down to is, my father and I were walking around on Elizabeth street, and got sucked into this store to look at this car. Its a 1985 white Lotus Esprit, with a custom plush white leather interior. And… it was for sale. So my father and I looked at it, and decided to seriously consider buying it. It was going for $35,000.00, which sounded like a pretty good price for such a cool car… we’re still considering our options, so check back for the outcome….

    Ah, Jenna’s glad we’re here! Or so says her coaster. Jenna, Jeff, Amber, me and a couple other people went out to Galapagos in Brooklyn the other day for a fun and exciting little party.. with a cool dj, and great rock band…

    This is me, and Latke, my 5th cousin Perri’s birdie. Latke is cool, and likes taking little showers in the sink. Perri is cool too, although its my guess that she takes showers in the shower. Perri and i went out to the beach that day, walked around long island, then came back and had a bbq with her parents.. relaxing!

    Ah, Jessie K and I went to see Dick Dale, the king of surf guitar at bb kings.. its was excelente, just ask Jessie K!

    And finally… Twitch Studder playing at Pianos on the lower east side.. they used to call themselves stupid, but changed their name.. this pic is of the lead singer, Dana Ehrlich, screaming into a megaphone… intense!

    Yes, that’s pretty much it for this installment of pictures…. did you like it? Should I continue to post pictures, or just type stuff up? Talk to you soon!

    Listening to: The Document II

  • Work work work

    Listening to: Tosca – J.A.C.

    Ok, i swear, i’m gonna start blogging more.. but lately its been super super busy… i’ve been working a lot at Giant Step doing the street team thing, and just started working at Stanton Social running food.. cool place, and i got to meet Liv Tyler tonight when she was eating there…Also, i just picked up 2 dj residencies at Triple Five Soul and Diesel, so those are fun.

    Ugh, ok, i will write more soon, but i’m waking up at 8am tomorrow, doing errands till 10am, then working at GS from 11-6:30, then at Stanton Social from 7 to 3am, then coming home, packing, and leaving for Las Vegas at 7am the next morning. Crazyness. More on the Vegas trip soon….

  • Rhymin’ and Stealin’

    >Listening to: Marzebian – Sandalwood

    Tonight… Thievery Corporation with Chris and Juliette, Essex, Motor City with Kris and Ben, Kittichai, Lucky Burger with Shannon and stuff

    Steps: 17753

    Fresh from the card…

  • Max Fish

    >Listening to: The Chemical Brothers – Galvanize

    Hooah, just went to King Size, The Delancy and Max Fish with GX, Popken et al. Good stuff….

    Doing my set at Triple Five Soul in SOHO tomorrow.. come 2:30 to 7:30 to hear me spin some hip beats!

    Steps today: 17058

  • Time Traveler Convention


    The Time Traveler Convention
    May 7, 2005, 10:00pm EDT (08 May 2005 02:00:00 UTC)
    East Campus Courtyard, MIT
    42:21:36.025°N, 71:05:16.332°W
    (42.360007,-071.087870 in decimal degrees)

    What is it?

    Technically, you would only need one time traveler convention. Time travelers from all eras could meet at a specific place at a specific time, and they could make as many repeat visits as they wanted. We are hosting the first and only Time Traveler Convention at MIT in one week, and WE NEED YOUR HELP!

    Why do you need my help?

    We need you to help PUBLICIZE the event so that future time travelers will know about the convention and attend. This web page is insufficient; in less than a year it will be taken down when I graduate, and futhermore, the World Wide Web is unlikely to remain in its present form permanently. We need volunteers to publish the details of the convention in enduring forms, so that the time travelers of future millennia will be aware of the convention. This convention can never be forgotten! We need publicity in MAJOR outlets, not just Internet news. Think New York Times, Washington Post, books, that sort of thing. If you have any strings, please pull them.

    Great idea, I’d love to help! What should I do?

    Write the details down on a piece of acid-free paper, and slip them into obscure books in academic libraries! Carve them into a clay tablet! If you write for a newspaper, insert a few details about the convention! Tell your friends, so that word of the convention will be preserved in our oral history! A note: Time travel is a hard problem, and it may not be invented until long after MIT has faded into oblivion. Thus, we ask that you include the latitude/longitude information when you publicize the convention.

    You can also make an absolute commitment to publicize the convention afterwards. In that case, bring a time capsule or whatever it may be to the party, and then bury it afterwards.

  • Cincinnati Night… 3-Ways and everything!

    Listening to: Mylo – Destroy Rock & Roll

    New York City is absolute crazyness! I’ve been workin really hard lately, trying to move my way up at my internship…. going well, too! I’m now heading up the expansion/creation of our Radio Promotions department… so hopefully that will go well.. also, i just took a job waiting tables in times square… not the ideal location, but untill something better comes along, it will be fine.. at least to bring in some spending cash…

    Went to Crobar on Friday night to see Sasha and John Digweed…. was a good show, super loud, and ben, denise, melissa and i all got comp tickets, cause my company does john’s radio promotion.. that place is insane! it was packed body to body from about midnight untill 8am… ask ben, he stayed all night, i hear.

    Talked to a few excelent and amazing people in boulder last night while i was babysitting…. apparently, as we all expected, mannequin makeout is still kicking ass, rocking huge audiences…. Mannequin makeout, you guys should really come play in new york! I will help get you booked! Also, i wonder how their cd is coming along..

    Finally, i saw my very first soccer game at giants stadium saturday night.. despite the pouring, driving rain and insanely long and convoluted expedition out there, it was fun and exciting… i’m beginning to see why its somewhat popular in the rest of the world.

    Ok, and tonight, i’m meeting Jesse and Emily at Edwards restauraunt, for an excelente Cincinnati Night.. We’re getting Skyline, LaRosas, Graeters and Montgomery Inn.. Should be wonderful, although eating Skyline in a “formal” setting seems a little inappropriate.. but whatever, its still skyline.

    Oh oh, one last thing.. after about 5 hours or re-arranging boxes in my closed (read: apartment), i managed to extract a couch from the rubble, and then managed to stack up enough off the floor to make space for the couch in front of one of the windows.. soo…..i now have a couch for you to sleep on! So come to the city and visit!

    The 3-Way beckons…


    Listening to: New Radicals – Maybe You’ve Been Brainwashed…

    Wow.. i was just at Little giant with Jesse and Emily, and we heard two excelente songs … Funkytown, by Lipps Inc., and almost all of “Maybe You’ve Been Brainwashed…” by the New Radicals… remember those guys? They had one single years ago, and i thought they pretty much went away… but i guess not.. and actually, i quite enjoyed them.. amazing.

    Went to see Sin City tonight as well… fun and exciting, incredible movie

  • Scouting Southern Nicaragua

    Scouting Southern Nicaragua

    This past February, I ventured through Managua into Southern Nicaragua on a land and resort development expedition. Along with us we had a collection of Lawyers, Real Estate Professionals, and a documentary film crew. Although the film is still in the works, here are a few quick snapshots:

  • >Back

    >Listening to: DJ Shadow – The Private Press

    Back from Nicaragua, photos and wrapup online soon… must sleep now…

  • Nicaragua, Day One

    >Day One – Boulder Colorado to Managua, Nicaragua,

    Today I woke up in Boulder and hopped on a plane to Houston. There, I met my father and business associates, as well as our film crew. Our entourage (11 of us) hopped on the plane and off to Central America. We spent an hour tonight coming from the airport with our transport getting lost in downtown managua and finally making it to our hotel, Hotel Los Robles.. its mega super nice, with a courtyard in the middle. After our film crew unpacked their gear (they´re shooting with Canon XL2´s, we had dinner at a nice place across the street. Tomorrow morning we´re getting up at 8am to start meetings with the embasy and real estate people….

  • Expat

    Listening to: Multicast – Further Obliq Perspectives

    Theres a lot to post and so little time to post it. I’m heading off to Managua, Nicaragua tomorrow morning on business, but i will be back late next week. Here’s whats to come….

    -Scissor Sisters at the Gothic Theater (pics)

    -Mannequin Makeout at the Bluebird Theater (pics and interview with the drummer)

    -Camping with Mercedes (pics and official wrapup courtesy of Mercedes)

    -Nicaragua scouting trip (pics, business perspective)

    snowy trees and water in rocky mountain national park

  • Oddfellows Lodge Haloween Party

    >Listening to: Dzihan & Kamien – Live in Vienna

    Ok, as of 10 minutes ago, I’m the DJ at the Oddfellows Lodge Haloween Party.. Sweet!

    see you there!

  • CMJ Music Marathon Wrap-up

    CMJ Music Marathon Wrap-up

    Listening to: RJD2 – Since We Last Spoke

    Ok, so I spent the past week or so in New York City, attending the CMJ Music Marathon. (among other things) Chad Westcott, founder of Lowland Apartments and my co-host on The Acid Lounge on Radio1190 accompanied me to the city. We stayed in my aunts extra apartment ont the upper east side, which is right next to the (4)(5)and(6) trains.

    CMJ? CMJ is the College music journal. It’s basically the Billboard or Rolling Stone of the whole indie college music scene. I report my top ten lists to them every week, they publish a magazine, have a website, and help keep tabs on what’s going down in the college music scene. The CMJ Music Marathon is CMJ’s annual convention/ gathering/ showcase held in NYC… there is a convention hall with company’s represented, various parties happening all around town, as well as over 1000 bands playing in hundreds of clubs throughout the city. And what makes it even more incredible is that the whole thing happens in 4 days.

    Chad and I walked over to the Javits Center, where the convention section was being held, and immediately ran into Mark, who is a rotation dj at radio1190. We went in and picked up our badges, finding out in the process that not only did our press passes get us into every single CMJ show in the city (over 1000), but it also got us into the Digital Life Expo, being held in the Javits Center also.

    Chad and Mark and I spent the week in NYC wandering around during the day, going to forums hosted by CMJ (talking about industry relation topics such as satellite radio, how the digital music age is affecting artist recording contracts, whats going on with electronic music and dance clubs, and a whole bunch more). At night, every night, we went out to anywhere from 2 to 10 clubs/bars/lounges/venues to see the latest and greatest in indie music.

    Sonic Youth

    Sonic Youth fucking sucked. Chad, Mark, Melissa went to Irving plaza to see Sonic Youth, RJD2 and Mix Master Mike. It actually seemed like a decent amount of people came out to see Sonic Youth, but I don’t know if it was a bad night for them or if they just suck in general, but it was terrible. They opened up with an introduction of screetching amps and random noise, and soon broke into some actual songs. But the girl singing’s voice sounded muted and whispy, like she had had a thousand too many cigarettes and was tone deaf. The guitarist was also terrible, acting like a 14 year old coked up drunk asshole during his first night playing for a live audience. He was climbing all around the stage, on top of the amps, and hanging his guitar from its cord in front of the amplifiers. Their set ran close to an hour, and finally ended with ten more minutes of terrible noise.


    After Sonic Youth at Irving Plaza, RJD2 came on. He appeared onstage standing in back of a massive bank of 4 turntables, 2 cdj’s, and a sampler. His set was extremely solid, on beat, and pulled from tracks from his latest 2 albums (Deadringer and Since We Last Spoke), as well as a ton of other classic tracks.

    RJD2 at Irving Plaza for CMJ

    Mix Master Mike

    Mix Master Mike, as you may or may not know, is the DJ for the Beastie Boys. However, he’s more than just the musical backing for the rap trio. Standalone, he also happens to be an incredible DJ. Performing with a mere 2 turntables and a microphone, Mike layed down the most incredible scratches, sequences and musical selection that I’ve heard in a while. Check out Mix Master Mike’s new album Bangzilla, out now.

    Mix Master Mike at Irving Plaza for CMJ

    The Reputation

    Chad and I went to see theREPUTATION at the Knitting Factory. I’ve been a long time theREPUTATION fan, but this was my first time seeing them live, and Chad’s first time hearing them at all. What can I say… theREPUTATION was incredible, blowing away my initial high expectations. Elizabeth Elmore’s genuine voice and insightfull lyrics, coupled with the superior musical capability of the whole band was great. As an added bonus, I got to chill with Elizabeth for a minute after the show.

    The Reputation at the Knitting Factory for CMJ


    Ahh yes, Stupid. Jill, Melissa, Chad and I saw stupid, along with the crazyness of Dana Ehrlich (the bands singer) at the Luna Lounge. They are incredible. All great musicians, and lead singer Dana Ehrlich is one of the craziest girls I’ve ever seen. And the band seems to be doin’ it for their fans, too…. Dana made latke’s for everyone, and all their stickers and flyers were home made.

    Dana from Stupid with her accordion at the Luna Lounge duringi CMJ

    Tegan and Sara

    These two cute Canadian twins did a live acoustic set at the Bowery Ballroom. Having recently released their new album, they sang a bunch of songs off it, plus a few older ones. The girls were great, with their “indie” style voices and cute stage antics. I can’t wait to see them with their whole band someday…


    Yes, Mark and I saw Z-Trip. This guy was incredible. With only a minimal amount of gear and infinite musical knowledge and technical skills, Z-Trip managed to wow us by mixing up over 100 tracks in about 30 minutes. Spanning all the way from Rap to Rock to Pop, Z-Trip expertly rips the beat from Led Zeppelin and layers over it the vocals of Jay-Z. An incredible show, and Z-Trips a nice guy, too.

    Z-Trip at the Bowery Ballroom for CMJ

    So there you go, the official Jeff Donenfeld CMJ Music Marathon Wrapup. Of course, no wrapup is complete without a photo gallery, so here you go. Click here to check out my official CMJ Pictures.

    One last note… If you’d like to reprint or reuse any part of my CMJ Wrapup, please contact me at Jamfan2 [at] yahoo [dot] com.

    Photo gallery

  • >In New York

    >Listening to: The Reputation – Alaskan

    Still in New York, going to DC next week… photos online soon…

  • New York a gogo

    Listening to: The Avalanches – Breezeblock (BBC Radio One)

    Ok, so heres a little rundown of what i’ve been up to in the east so far:

    July 23 – 26 – Chilled in NH with Jason at his summer camp. It was fun to go back to summer camp, at least just to see it… it made me remember all 5 of my summers at camp in Maine, spent chilling out on the lake sailing, shooting archery and riflery, and countless hours in the darkroom developing film and printing pictures for the camp newspaper…. ahh, the memories.

    July 27 Chilled in NYC with parents and relatives, met people at APT in the meat packing district.

    July 28 dinner with sister, seeing relatives etc

    July 29 Charles in town, went out to some bars on the east side, met Clinique counter girls

    July 30 Went over computer stuff with Richard, talked to music people, got Saki with Jill

    July 31 Swam on the roof at the Soho House, met cool people, saw Sara for her 20th birthday, went clubbing

    Aug 1 Went up to Greenwitch to chill with Charles among the boxes

    Aug 2 Cruised around Greenwitch with Charles, had dinner with grandparents

  • Communism Is For Lovers

    COMMUNISM IS FOR LOVERS</p> <p>Friday June 4th 9pm<br /> <br />1523 18th St, 3a - Denver

    Listening to:Nancy Sinatra – Bang Bang
    Coming up this Friday,from the mastermind of Ben Popken…
    Friday June 4th 9pm
    1523 18th St, 3a – Denver
    electrocockrock, booty-bass – -DJ’s Popken, Sara T
    biporno electropunk- – – – – – Houston Bernard
    so ladytronesque – – – – – – – XOXOXO
    electropop2cute – – – – – – – my velcro
    Eyecandy by Eyecandy Magazine

  • Nigerian Bank Scam

    Listening to:

    Excelente, I got in my email today a nigerian bank scam email! Sweet…. when will i get my millions?

    Date: Sat, 1 May 2004 02:13:22 -0700 (PDT)
    From: “frank 99”
    Subject: urgent………….
    My name is Mr Scott Hardy, and I work in the
    International operation department in a Local Bank
    here in South Africa On a routine inspection I
    discovered a dormant domiciliary account with a BAL.
    Of 36,000,000 (Thirty Six Million USD) on further
    discreet investigation, I also discovered that the
    account holder has long since passed away (dead)
    leaving no beneficiary to the account.
    The bank will approve this money to any foreigner
    because the former operator of the a/c is a foreigner
    and from Iraq in particular and I am certainly sure
    that he is dead, and nobody will come again for the
    claim of this money A foreigner can only claim this
    money with legal claims to the account Holder;
    therefore I need your cooperation in this transaction.
    I will provide the necessary information needed in
    order to claim this money, But you will need to open
    an account where this can be transferred.
    If interested send your private Telephone No. And Fax
    number including full details of the account to be
    used for the Deposit I wish for utmost confidentiality
    in handling this transaction as my job and the future
    of my family would be jeopardized if it were breached.
    I want to assure you that the transaction is without
    risk if due process is followed accordingly. Finally,
    I will give you 25% for your corporation.
    I look forward to a favorable response from
    Your’s faithful
    Mr Scott Hardy.

  • Spring Break 2004 Wrapup

    Listening to: Greyboy – Soul Mosaic

    Ok, so spring break 2004 is over, and it was great. Chris is going to finish the synopsis tonight, so that should be online shortly, but in the meantime, check out to pictures, and leave a comment!

  • >DJ’ing at Tulagis

    >Listening to: DJ Z-Trip & DJ P – Uneasy Listening Vol. 1

    Played a few sets tonight and last night at Tulagis on the hill…. more later…

    Amanda hanging out in the DJ booth with me...

    Oh, one last thing… my brother, Jason, works pretty hard on writing programs, dhtml scripts etc, and he’s actually done a bunch of good work… some nice little utilities that are unique, usefull, and well implimented…. he’s also helped me out a lot on the code for this site, and some other little stuff….. check out some of his stuff if you want….(programs available here)

    iTunes Webpage Builder

    The iTunes webpage builder creates html files containing a table of the users library and/or the users playlists. Then, this file can be uploaded onto the internet, or shared across networks. It utilizes the iTunes XML format.

    Word Document Organizer

    The Word Document Organizer is meant to be used as an organizer to quickly view word documents and catorgorize them in folders. It utilizes shell32.dll and the Microsoft Office API. The user must have Microsoft Office installed.


  • >chillin in the studio

    >Listening to: Willie Bobo – Fried Neckbones and Some Home Fries [Dan the Automator Remix]

    a boulder drivers view of traffice signals

    Ok, so I’m in the broadcast studio at Radio1190 now, doin my radio show…. Lately, since I bought turtables and a mixer etc, I’ve been mixing and recording my radio show at home, and then making a cd of it and just playing it back on the air. I do this because its a pain in the ass to pack up all my DJ equiptment and lugg it into the studio every week… Anyway, its also cool because since i record the show on my computer, its easy to make cd’s for people who call the request line and stuff… By the way, if you want a copy of a week of The Acid Lounge, let me know!

    This week has been hard core for me in terms of schoolwork, but i think its coming to an end soon…. my last big project for a few weeks is due tomorrow, and then the weekend! I think I’m going to be playing a set at Tulagis on fri or sat, as part of the save tulagis effort.

    Also, Chris is coming next tuesday, to chill out in boulder for a while before we road trip on down to Telluride for some spring skiing.

    Ok, going along with what kate said (and i commented on) about the stupid flashing crosswalk things in boulder, here’s another thing i hate about boulder drivers… Ok, when there are two roads that intersect, and only one direction has a stop sign, that means that the person traveling on the road without stop signs at the intersection does not have to stop at the interstection. Its the job of the person who is on the road with the stop signs to stop, right? Ok, so every time I’m on the stopsign road at one of these intersections, inevitably, the driver on the othe road will stop for me to go! Dude, you dont have to fucking stop if theres no stopsign! Arg, its frusturating just sitting there staring at them.

    Oh, and if im biking on the side of the road and you pull up behind me in your car, please pass me! dont just sit behind me idling at 10 mph or however fast im goign. just pass me, im on a bike, your in a car!

    Ok, thats enough ranting for tonight, gotta get on the air!

  • >Birthday wrapup..

    >Ok, untill i have time to write something worth while, heres a [distorted] pic from my birthday…

  • >Found a Fox…

    >Here’s a picture of me getting ready to go hottubbing with a real fox….

    Jeff getting ready to go hottubbing with a real fox.

  • Club156 DJ Set

    Club156 DJ Set

    Club156 DJ Set

    Yeah so, I played a short DJ set at Club 156 last night… the set went ok.. I played between bands, for about half an hour.. i had a pretty good playlist and everything, however the sound guy had no idea what he was doing, and for some reason my sound was completely mesed up coming out of the PA… no idea what happened, and nor did the sound guy. So it was fun playing for 150 or so people at Club156, but i was kind of frusturating having a shitty PA setup…

    Heheh, but i guess, when your reading artist bios and stuff, they always have some comment about getting their “start”, playing in shitty clubs and having to deal with really bad situations.. you know, it builds character… hehe

    In other Acid Lounge news, we’re working on a new logo, which will be reveled sometime in march.. stay tuned..

  • Spain Nostalgia

    Subject: Spain Nostalgia

    Ok so I just read the latest dispatch from my friend Charles, who just arrived in Madrid, Spain, on his way to Granada… Where I studied last semester. I though i was done with the place when i left but i guess not.. looking back on it, going to study abroad, especailly in spain, was one of the best things i have ever done… i got to do a ton of traveling, refine my spanish, and learn how to live in spanish society.. it was soo cool. So anyway, wish Charles luck in spain… I’m sure he’ll have a great time partying it up in Granada… chilling at Granada10, Camborio, Jade, Mystic, Fiesta Punto, the Alhambra, Sacromonte, and going to those wonderful classes at CLM…

    In other news, life in Boulder has been hectic… Althought I haven’t been doing an incredible amount of school work, its still taking up a lot of my time… i wish i could just sit down and do it all and get it over with, so i can focus on other things, but i can… just gotta make the best of it. My Acid Lounge Entertainment venture is going along well…. nothing huge yet cause i just havent had the time… but we’re working on it. I met this girl Kate the other day at a party.. shes cool and we’ve been hanging out a little lately.. guess we’ll have to see how that goes

  • Upcoming

    Subject: Upcoming







    Michigan Ave.

    Hyde Park


    The Rainforest Cafe

    The Intercontinental Hotel

    All coming up in the next BIG WINTERBREAK WRAPUP!!

    Coming soon!