Author: Jeffrey Donenfeld

  • Over the past few day’s I have been slowly losing my mind

    >Over the past few day’s I have been slowly losing my mind to studying for finals. As a result, I have been composing a bunch of poems about subjects such as Burma and Artificial Desks (creatively titled “Artificial Desk Poem”) So keep it tuned here to check out the newest poems…they should be online monday night or so….

    In the meantime, check these out…

    click to see an amazing amount of condiment packets! its amazing, really!
    The Condiment Packet Museum

    check out the secret lives of numbers with this incredible java applet...takes a minute to figure out, but once you've got it, its awsome
    The Secret Lives of Numbers

    the way my site should be

  • Oh man, this video is incredible

    >Oh man, this video is incredible…you have to see it! Click Here and check out the video of the day!

  • ok, so i’m at a public, pay by the hour internet kiosk at Espresso roma on the hill now

    >ok, so i’m at a public, pay by the hour internet kiosk at Espresso roma on the hill now… just testing to see it i can post to the blog from locked up computers with minimal software and weird internet connections…..cause when I’m in spain i will only be using public internet kiosks….here goes

    On another note, i’ve been studying at Buchannans coffee shop on the hill all night…its really getting to me…this biopsych (biosuck) exam is KILLING me…reallly..this is going to be the hardest and most crucial exam of my whole life…if i dont get at least a B- on the exam i will fail the class…shit…wish me luck for when i take it on saturday morning!…. if everything goes well from here on out, come february, i will be posting to the blog from Spain! woo

  • Ok, so my friend Geoff just IM’d me

    Ok, so my friend Geoff just IM’d me his new list of his personal dating rules. He wrote the entire list including the intro from scratch, so its all original. The reason I’m posting this is first because its a great list, and secondly because it also covers a lot of my own personal rules that I have never though to write down. If you like the list or want to say something about it, please COMMENT by clicking the comment link under this post. If you have your own list of rules or interesting thoughts you would like posted, please contact me at. Finally, if you want to talk to Geoff about his list, you can email him at or Instant Message him at screen name

    The list……


    Ah men, women, dating, relationships. These seem to be a popular topic of discussion lately. I don’t know if it’s just me who’s noticed this trend, but fall and winter seem to be the seasons for relationship turmoil. Conversely, spring and summer seem to be the time when everyone hooks up. At any rate, sex, dating and relationships has been a common topic of discussion for me, both with my male and female friends.

    I myself have been dating since the age of twelve. Since then, I have been slowly, but surely forming an image of what I want in a woman. I’ve dated quite a bit and have dated several types of girls. Though perhaps not an “expert, I do consider myself experienced and educated enough in the scene to be able to make judgment calls based upon repeated observations and experiences. As such, I have created a list of rules that come to mind when I’m dating a girl or meeting a new one. Though these are my own, I think that they’ll be beneficial for everyone. Most of these rules pertain specifically to girls I’ve dated since starting college began. For anyone who knows anything about girls in Boulder, you’ll understand where I’m coming from. Each rule has its own story in its creation. They have all been labeled “1” for a reason. Read these, laugh and ponder. So, without further delay?the rules:

    1. My pad is mine. It is not a love nest that I have made to suit your womanly needs, in case you were wondering why there’s no loofah in my shower.

    1. Yes, I have subscriptions to Maxim, Playboy and FHM. Yes I do read the articles, and so should you?you might learn something about the male of the species. Then, you might not complain so much.

    1. Guys are pretty simple to understand. You just have to stop, look and listen. We don’t send mixed signals because, usually, we’ve made up our minds about what we want. Just ask?you’ll be amazed.

    1. Men have a form of non-verbal communication that dates back to the days when men were hunters and gatherers. Among other signals, this includes grunts and gestures. An attempt to interpret this behavior by any non-male will only result in confusion. The ability to understand is a y-linked trait.

    1. If I ask for your phone number, it’s not because I want to be your friend (I have enough of those already), it’s because I want to sleep with you and/or date you.

    1. On a first date, I have zero interest in either meeting or hanging out with your friends: it’s a date, not a social gathering? and you said I move fast.

    1. If I get your number after we’ve had sex, don’t expect a call?unless you were that good, then expect one no sooner than three days after the fact and no later than seven.

    1. You have no right to ask what I’m thinking, unless you’ve known me for a year or longer, or it looks like I’m about to have an aneurysm. Even then, you might not get a coherent reply.

    1. On a first date, either have something intelligent or interesting to say or don’t expect a second date. I do my best to make conversation, and so should you. If you say “hmm” or “yeah” more than once as a reply to something I say (not ask), you’re done?I like people with more than a monosyllabic vocabulary.

    1. The “shy” or “coy” approach doesn’t work. I’ll simply think one of two things: you’re either a) not interested or b) uninteresting.

    1. Playing “hard-to-get” is a balance. Don’t be too easy, or we’ll lose interest due to lack of challenge. Don’t be too hard, or we’ll give up, thinking it’s not worth the effort. We love the hunt, but there’s a fine line between too little and too much.

    1. If you stop talking about how you want to lose weight, I’ll stop talking about how I want to gain it. We both end-up at the gym anyway.

    1. Don’t talk about your ex-boyfriends unless it’s to tell me what losers they are and how lucky you feel to be dating me now.

    1. Do not, I repeat DO NOT ask how many other women I’ve had sex with. It has nothing to do with you and me, and the honest answer will only upset you.

    1. If we have not agreed to commitment, then it is very likely that I’m dating other girls in addition to you.

    1. As long as we’re having fun together, then there’s nothing else to worry about, so don’t.

    1. If we’ve been dating for less than a month, do not ask me where our “relationship” stands?I still don’t know.

    1. When you find out that I’m a future doctor, do not make jokes about marrying me. This only makes you look like a gold-digger. You want to marry a rich man? Marry a stockbroker on Wall Street or the CEO of McDonald’s. Doctors don’t make as much as people think and I’m not becoming one for the money, so you shouldn’t want to marry one for it.

    1. It’s the same for guys as it is for girls: little things can score big points, so do them on a semi-regular basis.

    1. Do not complain about being cold if I offer you my jacket and you refuse it.

    1. I am neither stupid nor na?ve. I know a bullshit excuse when I hear one. If you don’t want to go out, fucking say so and quit wasting my time. It’s really not that hard.

    1. There are few people in this world that can hurt me. The likelihood that you’re one of them is virtually nonexistent?so don’t try to play a card you don’t have.

    1. The words “us” and “future” should never be used in the same sentence.

    1. Pertaining to any situation with any guy: hints are a waste of time. We are oblivious even if the hint is obvious. Just say it for Christ’s sake.


    Please click COMMENT below to comment on the list!

    If you would like to link directly to this list, click the + link and then use the url it goes to….it is a static url that will always connect you directly to this post.

  • b3ta is a crazy website….yet i am strangly drawn to it.

    >b3ta is a crazy website….yet i am strangly drawn to it.


  • wow, Kat just came over and we watched The Hudsucker

    >wow, Kat just came over and we watched The Hudsucker. The first half we saw was cash money..the movie is great so far. Also, Kat is great….just great, and she’s up in the middle of the night too, amazing. That is all for now…im sure ill have more to say after exams or whatever.{

    oh yeah….this week and next week are exams…im done on the 17th, so dont expect frequent or detailed posts untill after exams.

  • Ok, here is the playlist from my radio show

    >Ok, here is the playlist from my radio show, THE ACID LOUNGE on Radio1190, KVCU Boulder.

    Playlist for



    Artist – Song

    Dzihan & Kamian – Stiff Jazz

    Dizzie Gilespie and his Orchestra – Manteca

    The Cinematic Orchestra – Flite

    Royksopp – So Easy

    Timo Maas – Hash Driven

    Groove Armada – Little By Little

    Zero 7 – Waiting Line

    Morcheeba – 3 months

    Thunderball – Domino

    Undertow – Undertow

    Speedometer – Private

    Ursula 1000 – Kinda’ Kinky

    Dzihan & Kamean – Freaks and Icons

  • Got suckered into going to an “Interview” for Cutco Cutlery (Vector Marketing) tonight

    Got suckered into going to an “Interview” for Cutco Cutlery (Vector Marketing) tonight. Stupid Stupid Stupid.

    Also, got burned by Sara tonight. We went out on one date and everything seemed to go really well. But I guess not.

  • ooo, Smashing Pumpkins on the stereo at the coffee shop.

    ooo, Smashing Pumpkins on the stereo at the coffee shop…excelent, I havent heard from them in a long time.


    –Thanksgiving wrapup

    –Goin’ to Spain


    –Holiday Gifting


    So anyway, Thanksgiving went pretty well. I went home to chill with my family and see some old friends. Chris and I chilled alot, and on friday night, Chris and Ali (Chris’ sister) and I went out to see “The Ring“. It was scary. Some history on me and Chris and scary movies. At the end of this past summer, we met up in NYC to chill out and visit some friends. One night we were in the city, we decided to go see “Signs“, that mel gibson movie about aliens and crop circles. Yeah, we didnt think it would be too scary, but pretty much the whole movies, we were literally shaking and covering our eyes. It was insane, we were totally completely freaked out…i think the culmination of it was that scene where they show the home video on the news (in the movie) and its of those kids in mexico or wherever freaking out inside their house…the camera is looking out one window, wiith the kids in front of the camera looking out the window…then the kids and the camera pan to the left to look out another window that is kind of looking down an alley…after about 5 seconds of the kids freaking out but nothing out the window, you just see this sketched out silowette of an alien take 2 steps across the alley and dissapear…holy shit, that was freaky.

    So anyway, we saw the ring the other day…it was pretty scary, although i didnt think it was as scary at Signs. There are all these scenes where they actually show what was on “The Tape”, and i kept closing my eyes cause i was freaked out…amazing.

    Chilled at Waltor’s house with Alex, Lucy (sunshine), Liz, Ben, Eric and Sean….it was interesting seeing everyone again.

    Other than that, the rest of thanksgiving went well….my sister Jill had a party at our house for all her old high school friends, and i went and partied with some of my friends. Oh, and on the way back, I chilled with Hanna, one of my sisters friends who happens to go to the same school as I do. In fact, i am pretty good friends witih hanna’s older sister Rachel. It was interesting hanging out with her and whatnot.


    So my project to go to Spain is coming along nicely… I sent in my Visa application to the Spanish Consulate in Chicago today. I hope they grant me a visa and mail it back to me in time. Also, I confirmed my flight reservations today, which means I’m definetly going! Excelent! Instead of the big group flight which leaves from Miami, I just got a flight from Cincinnati to New York, then New York to Madrid, Spain. If you didn’t notice….I live in Boulder, Colorado. My flight leaves from Cincinnati, Ohio. So I think what I’m going to do is im going to drive my car back to cincinnati and leave it at home when im in Spain. So if you want to drive to cincinnati with me sometime in Januray, drop me a line! Lets make it a road trip! word. Also im having some thoughts about my course selection and whatnot for spain, i may have to stay in school a while longer, but on the other hand, i might get a minor in spanish.


    Ok, so after this semester ends on December 17th, im going to have to get a job so i can make some cash money to spend in Spain. Got any ideas? Want to give me a job? please? I think im gonna try to work as a parking dude (valet parking, NOT a meter maid(never!)) Or I’m gonna try to work for a catering company….we’ll see…

    Holiday Gifting–

    Ok, so for this holiday season, I got a pretty sweet present from my little brother Jason. He got me this ultra cool wireless optical rechargeable mouse.Cash money. hehe, if you want, click Comment under this entry and let everyone know what you have gotten for the holidays. Oh, and in case you care, mywishlist is online.

    Thant is all for now…

    wait…check this out..

  • Thanksgiving wrapup, Spain, Jobsearch, Holiday Gifting

    (Originally published on my first blog)

    ooo, Smashing Pumpkins on the stereo at the coffee shop…excelent, I havent heard from them in a long time.


    –Thanksgiving wrapup

    –Goin’ to Spain


    –Holiday Gifting


    So anyway, Thanksgiving went pretty well. I went home to chill with my family and see some old friends. Chris and I chilled alot, and on friday night, Chris and Ali (Chris’ sister) and I went out to see “The Ring“. It was scary. Some history on me and Chris and scary movies. At the end of this past summer, we met up in NYC to chill out and visit some friends. One night we were in the city, we decided to go see “Signs“, that mel gibson movie about aliens and crop circles. Yeah, we didnt think it would be too scary, but pretty much the whole movies, we were literally shaking and covering our eyes. It was insane, we were totally completely freaked out…i think the culmination of it was that scene where they show the home video on the news (in the movie) and its of those kids in mexico or wherever freaking out inside their house…the camera is looking out one window, wiith the kids in front of the camera looking out the window…then the kids and the camera pan to the left to look out another window that is kind of looking down an alley…after about 5 seconds of the kids freaking out but nothing out the window, you just see this sketched out silowette of an alien take 2 steps across the alley and dissapear…holy shit, that was freaky.

    So anyway, we saw the ring the other day…it was pretty scary, although i didnt think it was as scary at Signs. There are all these scenes where they actually show what was on “The Tape”, and i kept closing my eyes cause i was freaked out…amazing.

    Chilled at Waltor’s house with Alex, Lucy (sunshine), Liz, Ben, Eric and Sean….it was interesting seeing everyone again.

    Other than that, the rest of thanksgiving went well….my sister Jill had a party at our house for all her old high school friends, and i went and partied with some of my friends. Oh, and on the way back, I chilled with Hanna, one of my sisters friends who happens to go to the same school as I do. In fact, i am pretty good friends witih hanna’s older sister Rachel. It was interesting hanging out with her and whatnot.


    So my project to go to Spain is coming along nicely… I sent in my Visa application to the Spanish Consulate in Chicago today. I hope they grant me a visa and mail it back to me in time. Also, I confirmed my flight reservations today, which means I’m definetly going! Excelent! Instead of the big group flight which leaves from Miami, I just got a flight from Cincinnati to New York, then New York to Madrid, Spain. If you didn’t notice….I live in Boulder, Colorado. My flight leaves from Cincinnati, Ohio. So I think what I’m going to do is im going to drive my car back to cincinnati and leave it at home when im in Spain. So if you want to drive to cincinnati with me sometime in Januray, drop me a line! Lets make it a road trip! word. Also im having some thoughts about my course selection and whatnot for spain, i may have to stay in school a while longer, but on the other hand, i might get a minor in spanish.


    Ok, so after this semester ends on December 17th, im going to have to get a job so i can make some cash money to spend in Spain. Got any ideas? Want to give me a job? please? I think im gonna try to work as a parking dude (valet parking, NOT a meter maid(never!)) Or I’m gonna try to work for a catering company….we’ll see…

    Holiday Gifting–

    Ok, so for this holiday season, I got a pretty sweet present from my little brother Jason. He got me this ultra cool wireless optical rechargeable mouse.Cash money. hehe, if you want, click Comment under this entry and let everyone know what you have gotten for the holidays. Oh, and in case you care, mywishlist is online.

    Thant is all for now…

    wait…check this out..

  • Ok, so i just talked to Jen Storck, who is in France studying abroad right now

    Ok, so i just talked to Jen Storck, who is in France studying abroad right now. She said she’s having a great time, and had some comments about here experience. Feel free to email her at if you want to talk to her about france or studying abroad or anything! Here’s what she had to say!

    “How can I describe in a few short lines what i have experianced and seen in just a few short months. France the country of cheese, wine and bread, welcomed me in August with a broken foot, all alone, wondering what in the world I am doing here. Now three months later I look back and I know that this has and is the best thing I could have ever done for myself. The people I have met, the places I have been are like non other. Advice:

    study abroad, get a rail pass, travel….you will see places that you didnt expect that you would. With my fridays free of class I jump on a train pretty much each thurs. after class to head to a new destination. Spain, Germany and my favorite…Switzerland (it looked like i needed to get my snow fix). Living in a town two hours by train west of Paris, Rennes, I have experianced not the typical french culture but that of the Bretens. With thick celtic roots, a completly different language my town gets transformed into a giant Fest Noz on the weekends…where until the wee hours of the morning you dance. Not any typical dance but pure Bretagne dancing…linked together by arms, pinkies and circles….we dance, getting our months workout in one night.Would there be things I would change? Should I have just stayed in boulder? Questions are constantly swimming in every foreign students head but in all…dont think…just live and that is when you see the small, unbelievable memories that will last a lifetime. I come home in a month…excited to hit the slopes and see friends…but I will always remember this…never regreting!!”

    (Jen is on the left in the white shirt)

  • Ok, so last night, Scott cooked a 20lb turkey

    Ok, so last night, Scott cooked a 20lb turkey which he bought for $7. It was excelent. We all went over to his place and had an early thanksgiving meal…complete with stuffing, mashed potatoes (2 varieties!), salad, gelatnous cranberry sauce, grave, and pumpkin pie. It was excelent. In fact, last night was so tasty and delicious, Pinky wrote a commemorative haiku:

    ..::Pinky’s Early Thanksgiving Dinner Haiku::..


    psuedo thanksgiving

    turkey taters and good Beer

    all at scott’s dope crib


    Check the pictures…

    if this damn picture doesnt display, email me at and trying to fugure out whats up

  • DJ’d at Juanita’s tonight.

    DJ’d at Juanita’s tonight…it went really well and i got a lot of questions and comments about my music.

    Also, Chad and Omry (of Radio1190‘s Lowland Apartments) and I went to see Thievery Corporation tonight..the show was fucking amazing, and I went back stage after the show and chilled with the whole crew.

    Click to check out the rest of the photos!

    click to check out the rest of the photos from the Thievery Corporation show in Denver, Colorado on 11-19-2002

  • Today, Erik, Eric, Jacob, Julie and I went skiing and snowboarding up in Keystone

    >Today, Erik, Eric, Jacob, Julie and I went skiing and snowboarding up in Keystone. It was excelent. Althought there was only 18% of the mountian open, the runs were really good and the snow was great. Check out the photos from the trip, and leave a comment about the pictures please!!! Click the picture below to see the rest!

    Click to see the rest of the photos from Keystone!!!

  • Arg, i really need to be sleeping but i cant get to sleep…

    >Arg, i really need to be sleeping but i cant get to sleep…

    I’m going snowboarding at Keystone tomrrow with Erik, Eric, Lauren, Jacob and Julie…it should be excelent. However, we’re leaving at 7:30am, so i really need to be sleeping now, but i can…i think i ate too many peppermint patties before i went to bed…again

    Anyway, I was just checking out some stuff on the web, and i found this, its SHOWER SHOCK CAFFEINATED SOAP. Apparently, when you use it in the shower, the caffeine in the soap is absorbed through your skin. Thats what i need for tomorrow morning. If anyone would like to buy me a bar or two, feel free to buy some for me!

    the peppermint patties did not make me feel good and prevented me from getting much needed sleep

  • Last night was excelent.

    >Last night was excelent….Alex and Abbey had an incredible cocktail party at their house….apparently it was a bunch of random cool people plus the entire CU Snowboard Team. Anyway, I took about 50 photos and managed to reduce them down to 15 decent the picture below to check them out! Also, please COMMENT on them if you want by clicking the comment link under this post!

    Click to see the rest of the photos!

  • So I’m going to Breckenridge tomorrow to scope out a job and a bed

    So I’m going to Breckenridge tomorrow to scope out a job and a bed…cause I want to move there for January, before I go away to spain.

    I FINALLY found out the girl who sits next to me in biopsych classes name!! Her name is Brandy. She’s awsome, a great person to talk to….super nice and sweet and pretty and smart and stuff…too bad she has a boyfriend. On a similar note, things didnt go as well as i wanted with Molly today…saw her before the test and said hi and chatted, then after the test i asked her if she wanted to go get dinner…she said she was going out tonight to the bars and stuff…I know she has plans for the rest of the weekend…but should i have asked her for her phone number and just said somethinig like “do you want to do SOMETHING SOMETIME”?? Or is that a little too ambiguous and a lame excuse to ask for a phone number?

    Tonight i’m going to a cocktail party at my friend Abby’s house…should be fun, and ill get to see a bunch of friends whom i havent hung out with in a while….and PHOTOS of that event will be online in tomorrows post, assuming everything goes well.

    Holy shit, I think I have a fan…

    Off I go….

  • In this post: —Daily Itinerary —Biopsych Scene (cont.)

    >In this post:

    —Daily Itinerary

    —Biopsych Scene (cont.)

    —Fun With Moose

    —Minty Fresh

    Ok, so today was pretty boring. Got up, went to math class at 9, then came back here and took an hour and a half long nap. Naps are good, usually. Then i went on campus and met Carolyn for lunch. Actually, come to think of it, i had a dream about her during my nap…weird. The rest of the day I spent studying for my biopsych exam and getting stuff ready for dj’ing at Juanita’s on tuesday. Also, i talked to both Omry and Chad from Radio1190 and the 3 of us are going to Thievery Corporation on Tuesday…cash money. Check back here wednesday to hear how it all went.

    So then tonight, I went to buchannans to study biopsych with Molly (other molly, NOT my roomate molly) and this other girl. Studying went well, although we all got burt out pretty quick. Molly gets cooler every time i see her. So i learned tonight that, like my mother, her mother is a personal trainer and fitness freak. Excelent. Molly, like me, also used to teach Spinning classes. In fact, she has had Johnny G stay over at her house. I have been to his world headquarters in LA and met him. Molly also saw Garbage and No Doubt the other day…check this out…Molly’s mother is Shirly Manson’s personal trainer, so a day or two before the show, Shirly Manson and Molly went out for sushi together…that is the coolest thing ever. Hehe, i thought it was funny that she used to have a bowl cut…but now she’s letting it grow out, which is cool..long hair rocks. ok, that all about Molly…i hope she doesnt get scared or whatever if she reads this.

    oh yeah, so tonight, after i was done studying for biopsych at buchannans, i went over to Erik and Eric’s place. We watched the end of a Warren Miller kicked ass…there were these speed skiiers who were bombing themselves straight down mountain at up to like 150 miles per hour…its incredible, especially when they fall and the friction on the snow burns holes in their protective suits (scary!). so then after that we went to target and bought things that were flammable…the best we could do was some hair moose and afro oil styling spray..and some water baloons…we sprayed the hairspray into the baloons and took them outside and set them on fire…good, clean fun. Oh yeah, so now erik is im’ing me these pictures of him and Eric having fun with the moose…incredible…moose is fun to play with and whatnot…

    Erik and Eric had fun with hair moose

    if you chew it for too long, Dentyne Ice Arctic Chill gum starts to taste really bad. But thanks again Grandma T for buying me a whole case of it…it gives me minty fresh breath!

  • Ok ok, since I recieved so much feedback

    >Ok ok, since I recieved so much feedback about the most recent “The Acid Lounge” Set list, I’m posting another one from a while back….Hope my listners like it. Again, if you have any questions about any of the artists, feel free to email me or look them up on

    In making this setlist, I wasn’t as on top of things, so the track number is substituted for the actual song name on a lot of them….

    *******THE ACID LOUNGE 6/5/2002 SETLIST**********

    artist – album – song

    Euphoria- Beautiful My Child – Track 1

    United Future Orginization – Cosmic Gypsy

    Untouchable Outcast Beats – Track 1

    Filla Brazillia – Another Late Night – Track 9

    Thunderball – Scorpio Rising – Stereo Tonic

    Pepe Deluxe – Super Sound – The Beat

    Nicola Conte – Bossa Per Due – Track 9

    Groove Collective – Lift Off (Single) – Remix Full Length

    Viva Cubop – Track 2

    Mondo Grosso – MG4 – Show Me Your Love

    Zuco 103 – Outro Lado – Outro Lado

    Dishwalla – Things to do in Denver when you’re Dead Soundtrack – The Thrill is Gone

    Groove Armada – Goodbye Country (Hello Nightclub) – My Friend

    Gilles Peterson – INCredible Sounds of Gilles Peterson – Les Fleur (Minnie Riperton)

    Stereo MC’s – Supernatural – Track 1

    Zero 7 – Another Late Night – This is how we chill

    Thievery Corporation – Mirror Conspiracy

    Morcheeba – Big Calm – The Sea

    Kelis – Suspended

    Troublemakers – Doubts and Convictions – Street Preacher

    Nightmares on Wax – Sound of N.O.W. – Keep On (86′ Init Mix)

  • Kind of like after you’ve worked at a coffee shop

    Kind of like after you’ve worked at a coffee shop for a while and you have the timing down (you know, pulling the shot, steaming the milk, gettins shit set up)…I like when I can come in the door at the end of the day and sweep through the house putting my keys where i always put them and picking up my mail from the table and whatnot…then i like sitting down at my desk, emptying my pockets, and arranging everything on my desk in order…also, its cool when im getting ready to go out and i take all my pocket stuff and arrange it on my desk, then when im dressed, i stand in front of my desk and systematically pick my stuff off my desk and put it in the right pockets….i also feel cool when im sitting in class, and i notice my pencil rolling off my desk a moment too late, and miraculously make a last second, mid air catch, then calmly return to being still and getting my learn on….i feel like someone out of the matrix…hehe,

    oh yeah, pretty much the best part of my day is when i step outside in the morning and its bright outside, and i get to put my sunglasses on…..then the whole world opens up. My shades are great. They make everything look so much better, protect my eyes from the sun, help me see better, cut glare, increase contrast and color, and they protect my eyes from wind and flying debris or whatever…their awsome. I dont have a case for them because their either sitting on my desk when im sleeping, or either on my face or around my neck when im awake.

    must go to sleep….

  • In this post: —Daily Itinerary

    >In this post:

    —Daily Itinerary

    —Social scene in Biopsych class (who’s who)

    —The Acid Lounge Setlist

    Ok, so today was a grueling day… First of all, i stayed up super late last night, and didnt get to bed till 4 am or so. I guess i was so tired at that point that i didnt slide the switch on my alarm clock to turn it on, cause it didnt go off in the morning. So of course, i woke up right as my 9am math class was ending. I thinkn we can only miss 2 classes before it affects our grade, and i was planning on using those 2 days for skiing and stuff. Damn. Anyway, after i got my ass to campus, I studied for my Geology 1020 exam, and took the exam. It sucked, pretty much. Then I chilled with Erik C. for a while, and went to biopsych class.

    Although the actually class bores me to sleep very quickly, going to biopsycholoy class is always interesting…its developed into sort of a “social scene” Ok, so here’s the deal with some of the people in my biopsych class. The first day of class, i sat next to this girl named Deseree. She’s awsome…super nice, funny, really great body, falls asleep as much as me in class, we laughed at eachothers jokes and everything. So she came to class and sat next to me for a while, and we actually met outside of class to study for exams once or twice. I guess then she found a boyfriend or something….she stopped coming to class, and i havent seen her in a good month or so. Strange, but I’m letting it big deal. Next, theres Dave. Dave and I have been friends since freshman year, and we get along really well. At the begining of class, we didnt sit near eachother, but then he started sitting in the same row. So we always sit in class and either sleep, or crack jokes about Serge (the professor), or we pass notes to unsuspecting girls or just be stupid. Next, there is the girl who sits next to me all the time. She is the coolest, yet i do not know her name. I know she told me once or twice, but i cant remember. Anyway, she has a boyfriend (chad), but she is still super cool…she’s nice to me, and she’s got a great personality, a little mysterious sometiems, and she’s super smart, but not a nerd or anything…also, she’s really pretty and has a great body. At the begining of the year, I kind of wrote her off, and acted really stupid aroudn her. But now i’ve gotten to know her, and i think she’s awsome, so i try to be as nice as i can to her. Since she has a boyfriend and whatnot, i sometimes talk to her about my relationship problems and whatnot…its interesting talking to her. I really really really wish i knew her name….she even drove me home one day after class!

    Finally, there’s Molly (no, NOT my roomate, Molly T.) Molly is awsome…we met one night at Buchannans coffee shop, and just happened to be in 2 classes together. She’s awsome…she’s a former member of the triathalon team (again, NOT my roomate molly, who is currently a tri-team member), she’s super nice, we get along well, she’s really pretty, and wears chill clothes. She seems like a girl i could actually spend real time with and not just bullshit “this girl is stupid but really hot and i want to chill with her just to hit on her and be stupid.” Yeah, she’s cool, but its kind of hard for me to approach her and stufff…cause pretty much the basis of our “relationship” is that we’re in 2 classes together…thats pretty much it. But i guess if it was meant to be, things will work themselves out naturally and I have nothing to worry about. She’s really cool, though.

    Ok, so thats pretty much it. After classes today, i came home, studied biopsych for a while, and then went and did my radio show, THE ACID LOUNGE on Radio1190. I love working for Radio1190. More on that later after I dj at Juanita’s and meet Thievery Corporation on Tuesday, the 19th…..

    ******THE ACID LOUGE 11/13/2002 SETLIST*********

    Tonight I did my weekly radio show, called The Acid Lounge, on Radio1190, KVCU, Boulder. You can tune into Radio1190 in the greater Denver, CO area at 1190 on the AM radio dial, or worldwide at My show went really well tonight, and i got a lot of calls and IM’s from listners.

    If you listned to my show, thanks for listening!!!! If you want to find out more information about any of these artists, the best website ever for researching music is

    Setlist for The Acid Lounge on 11/13/02 in the order they were played

    Artist – Song

    Nightmares on Wax – Thinking of Omara

    Jimmy Smith and Wes Montgomery – OGD (Road Song)

    Nicola Conte – Bossa Per Due

    Tosca – Busenfreund (walkner moestl dub)

    Royksopp – So Easy and Eple

    Jazzanova – Fredmies Flight

    Walter Wanderly – Batucada

    Baldwin Brothers – Funky Junkyard

    The Troublemakers – Street Preacher

    Thievery Corporation – Air Butucada

    Thunderball – Vai Vai

    Org Lounge – Jazz Trippin’

    Morcheeba – Blindfold

    Bent – Swollen

    Gorallaz – New Genius

    Ivy – Undertow

    Thievery Corporation – Lebanese Blond

    Charles Webster – Ready

    Barry White – Playing Your Game, Baby (Groove Armada Remix)

    Al Green – Light My Fire (Doors, Groove Armada Remix)

    Handsome Boy Modeling School – The Truth

    Kelis – Suspended

    Pariss Clemons – Black Mary

    Hope you liked the show!

  • fucking shit, why don’t apple computers

    fucking shit, why don’t apple computers post these blogs and page updates correctly? also, they take forever to load, and dont let you see the page as it is loading…geeze.

    ok, im 6 minutes away from going on the air to do The Acid Lounge on Radio1190…i think i have enough music picked out but really, you never know…here goes….

  • comments from the day

    >comments from the day, as well as the SET LIST from The Acid Lounge (on tonight on Radio1190 from 11-1) will be online shortly….stay tuned…also, the comment buttons are not working, so dont try it, and whatnot. hehe, oh yeah, if you’ve got some cash to burn, feel free to make a donation by clicking the button at the bottom of this page! hehe…

    and now, off to the studio….

  • ok ok, due to recent questions about

    ok ok, due to recent questions about whether or not i still have all the photos online, the answer is yes. I just havent put easy links to them on this page yet…. here are some rough links to the index pages of the photo collections…

    Collection 1

    Collection 2

    Collection 3