Category: |…|

  • Why am I not blogging?

    Listening to: The Talented Mr. Ripley soundtrack

    Hmm, yes, that is a good question.. why have I not been writing so much lately. Perhaps its my maroon cube keeping the thoughts in. Or the crazyness of nyc not giving me the time/energy to write. Or the fact that I got back from tahiti and uploaded all 900 of my pictures, thereby nuking my upload quota for August.. so i can’t upload any more pics till next month. And since i usually like to accompany posts with snazzy photos..and since i cant upload snazzy photos (well, i could host them elsewhere..), i havent been posting.
    This will change! Not as much change as a new site layout, which i’ve been hinting at for years, and which will probobly never actually happen. Also i think the culprit may partially be work and privacy and the recent rise of employers and other people “googling” people, and just the whole “googleing” and “myspace/facebook stalking” thing in general. I was unphased back in my youthful college days, but now that i’m getting old and jaded, I’m a bit more reserved..
    Over and out.

  • Cool blue room at ps1

    Cool blue room at ps1

    I went to Warm Up at PS1 in Queens with some friends. Museum was amazing, as always. I think its one of my favorite museums in NYC lately… (although i’m not entirely convinced on the Warm Up party…)

  • Me and Chris Anderson

    Me and Chris Anderson 1, originally uploaded by jamfan2.

    Me getting a signature and chatting with Wired Magazine Editor in Chief Chris Anderson at his talk promoting his new book “The Long Tail : Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More”

  • Happy 4th!


    IMG_7226, originally uploaded by jamfan2.

    Happy 4th of July! Had a good weekend, went to the country club for brunch, hung out by the pool, moved some furniture at my grandfathers office, watched fireworks on Vanessa’s roof, worked guest list at Summerstage, relaxed.

  • my cube

    my cube, originally uploaded by jamfan2.

    The maroon cube… I never thought i would sit in one of these!

  • WordPress?

    Listening to: Sugarcubes – The Great Crossover Potential

    Ok, I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I’m working on a new template for the blog.
    I’ve hinted at this many many times in the past, and have never really produced any results. However, earlier today i finally got my wordpress installation to work with my domain and hosting provider, and i’m not picking out some template elements and customizing the whole thing, learning how to use wordpress, integrating all my little widgets (like the flickr badge, youtube badge, google reader feed, etc etc etc). I’m probobly not going to go live with the new one untill ist mostly complete, or until i have the basic layout and colors done. Also, i’m sort of considering switching domain names when i do the switch to wordpress. I own about 15 of them now, mostly bought on impulse, and some of them are actually decent, and probobly wont be snickerd about as much as Some of the names i’m considering, which i own are RunBlue dot com, Jeffzilla dot com. I’m really only considering switching to the first one.. but i’m not entirely convinced this is a good idea. What do you think? should i do it?

  • guest list…

    guest list…, originally uploaded by jamfan2.

    Central park summer stage guest list table…

  • Movie cast…

    Movie cast…, originally uploaded by jamfan2.

    movie cast and crew

  • Oysters


    Oysters, originally uploaded by jamfan2.

    Oysters at grand central

  • Convergence Point

    Convergence Point, originally uploaded by John Conners.

    I didn’t take this pic, but I like it.
    Nice lines/perspective…. reminds me of a serial piece that hung on the wall of a Banana Republic clothing store i used to work in.. a scene like this, taken from 4 different angles, put 4-up on a canvass, decreased contrast and saturation.. lots of parallel lines etc..

  • 0624061438.jpg


    0624061438.jpg, originally uploaded by jamfan2.
  • 0623062027.jpg

    0623062027.jpg, originally uploaded by jamfan2.

    Yankees vs Marlins

  • Passing over

    Passing over, originally uploaded by jamfan2.

    During the baseball game at Shea Stadium tonight all these jets from LaGuardia airport were taking off and flying right over the stadium. It was a fantastic sight….

  • World Cup France vs Korea

    World Cup France vs Korea, originally uploaded by jamfan2.

    Sunday as I was walking to Union Square, i notice a bunch of people on the street watching the France – Korea world cup game. I pulled up a chair and watched the second half. It was a decent game, and great sitting outside watching it!

  • US Open Golf

    US Open pass, originally uploaded by jamfan2.

    Yesterday Sara and I went to the US Open out in Mamaroneck, NY. Fun time, we walked around the course for couple hours, drank pepsi, ate hot dogs and warm salted nuts, and then settled at the 18th hole to watch a couple pairs finish up the course. The golf was good to watch. It was especially great, however, to just get out of the city and get out to the country, walk around in the grass, chill out, get some fresh air and exercise. I think that was the best part for me.

    Also of special note was the intense tv coverage infrastructure. At this kind of event, its especially apparent how much really goes into broadcasting a live sporting event worldwide. The golf course is basically open land, and NBC has to pretty much build an communications network from the ground up, which has to support multiple fixed cameras, multiple roaming cameras, variosu camera teams, wireless linkups, remote interviews, studio setups, blimp cameras, commentators etc.. all live, in real time. I think the fact that its on a golf course makes it even more amazing. For other sporting events, such as the US Open Tennis, they all ready have much of it built. The stadium is built for media support, and so are the surrounding structures. But for golf, you’re really just dealing with open land.

    So, I was especially facinated at all the tech happenin around us. It was cool seeing the guerrila teams of roaming cameramen try to get a good position on the players and set up the wireless linkup in time.. and it was awesome seeing the crane camera guy do his thing. Equally amazing were the super intensity scaffolding structures they created.. they had giant bleachers, camera towers, entire broadcast studios, ac plants, concession stands and convention halls, all temporary, amazingly complex, and made out of scaffolding.

    Ok, thats my bit about the US Open. It was a great day, and unfortunately, i didnt get ANY pictures…. nobody did. I guess in an effort to keep beeping and flashing down, they prohibited anyone from bringing cameras or cell phones into the club.. it was intense.. we had to go through metal detectors, and then check all of our contraband electronics at the train station. But it did heighten the relaxatlion a bit.. no stupid people not silencing their phones, and no flashes going off everywhere. Hence, the only actual “proof” i was there is this scan of my ticket.

    If you have any pics, let me know!

  • >0614061931.jpg

    >.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; }

    0614061931.jpg, originally uploaded by jamfan2.

  • >0614061814.jpg

    >.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; }

    0614061814.jpg, originally uploaded by jamfan2.

    Lobster bake at rock center

  • >0614061820.jpg

    >.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; }

    0614061820.jpg, originally uploaded by jamfan2.

  • >0614061812.jpg

    >.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; }

    0614061812.jpg, originally uploaded by jamfan2.

  • >0613061433a.jpg

    >.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; }

    0613061433a.jpg, originally uploaded by jamfan2.

  • >Tenerife Location


    Tenerife Location, originally uploaded by jamfan2.

    Hard core. Using google earth, i managed to re-create my location and perspective. It was really quite eerie panning around that area with google earth, and then getting to see what was beyond the hill in the background and how everything is situated..

  • Apple Store Fifth Ave Opening

    Listening to: DJ Mark Farina – Mushroom Jazz 4

    Photobooth Warhol, originally uploaded by jamfan2.

    Just got back.. from the grand opening of the Apple Store on Fifth Ave, NYC. Jill and I finally got in, after waiting in line for 3 hours, and it was fantastic.. there were about 15 staff member outside clapping and cheering as we went in, and they were handing out amazing grand opening tshirts to everyone! We went straight to the Macbooks, naturally, and Jill and I even got to play with photobooth on a new black Macbook.. fun and exciting. We watched them raffle off a macbook, as we dropped our names in the hat for the next hour.. guess we’ll see if we won one tomorrow. Also, as we were getting ready to leave, Robert Smigel, along with Triumph the Insult Comic Dog came down the stairs, with film crew in tow.. Jill got to pet Triumph, and I took pics and video!

    Apple Store Photoset!

    Update Update!
    Just found out, we were in the same room as Kevin Bacon! As we were being entertained by Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, the man himself, Kevin Bacon was chilling out right behind us! Check out this cameo video footage in Richard Blakeley’s movie of the opening.

  • Doin’ what I can…

    Listening to: Arman VanHelden – Enter The Meatmarket

    Lately, as you may have noticed, my blog has turned into a mediablog/photoblog of sorts.. thats pretty much all i’ve had time to post lately, and you know what they say a pictures worth….and a video for that matter. All of my photos are being posted to flickr as well as here. Flickr is seriously addictive, as you may have noticed for me…

    This afternoon Jeff s and I are going to check out the new apple store opening.. i hear they are giving away a mac-book an hour for the opening.. and commemorative tshirts!
    Then tomorrow morning i’m running a 10K in the park, then working the rest of the day.

  • >Blockhead at Irving Plaza

    >.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; }

    Blockhead at Irving Plaza, originally uploaded by jamfan2.

    Rockin out on the decks with video… it was cool hearing their samples..
    Wednesday night, I worked for Giant Step at the Coldcut/Blockhead show at Irving Plaza.. it was fantastic, cool seeing blockhead, and coldcut’s performance was insane.