The Highest Spot at the South Pole: The Roof
Getting To The Heart Of The Keck Array Microwave Telescope: Cryostat Disassembly
Refilling the Liquid Helium of Bicep2
Happy Thanksgiving!
The South Pole’s Campbell–Stokes Sunshine Recorder
Freezing in the South Pole Ice Tunnels
Touring the Bicep2 Microwave Telescope with Physicist Jonathan Kaufman
My First Sundog
Launching a Meteorological Balloon with South Pole Meteorologist Phillip Marzette
Taking Ozone Measurements at the South Pole Atmospheric Research Observatory
Open Mic Night
All Hands On Deck at the South Pole
Playing With Liquid Helium At The South Pole Cryogenics Lab
Exploring the Ice Cube Neutrino Observatory
A Trip Around The World At The South Pole
Moving to Antarctica Leg 3: McMurdo Station to Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station
Exploring McMurdo Station, Antarctica
Moving to Antarctica Leg 2: Christchurch, New Zealand to McMurdo Station, Antarctica
Antarctic Extreme Cold Weather Gear Issue
Exploring Christchurch, New Zealand
Moving to Antarctica Leg 1: Denver, USA to Christchurch, New Zealand
Let Me Send You Mail From The South Pole
How To Pack For A Trip To The South Pole
Road Tripping to Telluride, Colorado