I’m going to Barcelona on Thursday night.
Radio1190 (the radio station I work for)
Antequeria/Bull Fight
Cordoba/Sevilla Trip
Carnival in Cadiz, Spain
Today Chris and I hopped a bus up to the Sierra Nevada mountains.
Got a cell phone today
Hola Hola Hola…
First of a four part series..
Incredible Salad Dressing
Simple and addictive: the incredible worm game..
One of the very very few excelent things about Cincinnati is Skyline Chili
Ok, so I just sat in my car and drove 1200 miles in 21 hours
>setlist. ..::The Acid Lounge::.. 1/22/03
Ok so I’m gettin ready to go off to spain….
>setlist ..::The Acid Lounge::.. 1/15/03
You’ll notice a new and improved disclaimer on the site,
>Playlist ..::The Acid Lounge::.. 1/8/2003
Today I snowboarded in Telluride, Colorado.
This week, my family is in town visiting me.
>setlist. ..::The Acid Lounge::.. 12/26/02
setlist. ..::The Acid Lounge::.. 12/18/02
Ok, so I just finished up the final exams of the first semester of my junior year in college
Excelent, Brooke has fun with some coffee….