Over the past few day’s I have been slowly losing my mind
Oh man, this video is incredible
ok, so i’m at a public, pay by the hour internet kiosk at Espresso roma on the hill now
Ok, so my friend Geoff just IM’d me
b3ta is a crazy website….yet i am strangly drawn to it.
wow, Kat just came over and we watched The Hudsucker
Ok, here is the playlist from my radio show
Got suckered into going to an “Interview” for Cutco Cutlery (Vector Marketing) tonight
ooo, Smashing Pumpkins on the stereo at the coffee shop.
Thanksgiving wrapup, Spain, Jobsearch, Holiday Gifting
Ok, so i just talked to Jen Storck, who is in France studying abroad right now
Ok, so last night, Scott cooked a 20lb turkey
DJ’d at Juanita’s tonight.
Today, Erik, Eric, Jacob, Julie and I went skiing and snowboarding up in Keystone
Arg, i really need to be sleeping but i cant get to sleep…
Last night was excelent.
So I’m going to Breckenridge tomorrow to scope out a job and a bed
In this post: —Daily Itinerary —Biopsych Scene (cont.)
Ok ok, since I recieved so much feedback
Kind of like after you’ve worked at a coffee shop
In this post: —Daily Itinerary
fucking shit, why don’t apple computers
comments from the day
ok ok, due to recent questions about