I spent the day today at the DigiDay:Apps Mobile Application Strategy Conference. Agenda on Digiday’s site.
Below are my brief notes from a few of the talks.
App Show and Tell Part II: Presenter:Gabe Dorosz, VP & Management Supervisor, Interactive, Cramer-Krasselt
- Downloading apps currently is difficult because there are too many handsets/platforms, lack of platform detection infrastructure.
- Consumers don’t necessarily care whether utility is served as app, web app, etc – as long as it works.
- Installable Mobile Applications
- Pros – Always on – no network necessary, depth of engagement, leverage of device features and full power, trafficking in app store
- Cons – Cost of development (up to 250K), platform fragmentation, time to market (approval process), distribution and maintenance channels, increased competition (currently)
- Cross-Platform Apps are by far the most popular and successful aps
- Top application platforms in international markets: iPhone, Android, Symbian, Web.