Tag: crashplan

  • Crashplan Online Backup LOST MY ENTIRE BACKUP ARCHIVE

    Crashplan Online Backup LOST MY ENTIRE BACKUP ARCHIVE

    After almost an entire week of not being able to backup to Crashplan because of “archive maintenance” on their part, I was informed today that instead of merely maintaining my backup archive, Crashplan LOST THE ENTIRE THING. That’s right, Crashplan lost all of my data, unrecoverably. It’s gone – my entire online backup archive of all of my data – my life’s work – 2.4 tb of everything – completely gone. And Crashplan doesn’t seem to have any remorse.

    I’ve been using online backup for a number of years. Before I switched to Crashplan, I was using Backblaze for online backup. Backblaze was great – a lightweight, easy to use front end, fast backup speed, low system resources, good support response times, and most importantly, a reliable service. However, the one thing Backblaze didn’t do at the time was offer unlimited, or very long retention. Backblaze would delete data from my archive if it didn’t see that data connected to my computer for a month – so if I went on vacation for 2 months and stored away my external hard drives, my data would be automatically expunged at the end of the first month. Because of this little quirk of their service, I decided to switch backup providers to Crashplan. Note that nowadays, I believe that Backblaze retains data for 3-6 months, which is much much better. (more…)

  • Switching from Backblaze to Crashplan: iOS Mobile App Seals The Deal

    Switching from Backblaze to Crashplan: iOS Mobile App Seals The Deal

    ** Hello! If you’re finding this page in your research of Crashplan Vs Backblaze, or Crashplan Vs Mozy, or any other services, please be sure to read my ongoing saga with Crashplan losing my entire backup archive. Cheers! **

    CrashPlan’s recent release of an iOS app solidifies my switch from Backblaze to Crashplan. Now, I can access all of my CrashPlan backed up files on my iPhone, making the service even more valuable.

    At this point, I’m still running both Backblaze and Crashplan, but as soon as I use CrashPlan’s seeding service and get all my files transferred to CrashPlan’s servers, I’m ditching Backblaze.

    Some thoughts on CrashPlan Vs. Backblaze:

    • Backblaze runs as a native osX app, and CrashPlan runs as a Java app – naturally i’d prefer a native app, but in using CrashPlan, I see no difference in performance. Backblaze is still better integrated into the system UI with the System Preferences and Menubar integration, but that’s not a dealbreaker for me.
    • Crashplan not only allows me to backup to their cloud service, but also to external hard drives, folders, and other friends computer. This functionality is great, and even allows them to provide a cloud storage seeding service, by way of the local hard drive backup feature, and efficient data de-duplication and cataloging systems.
    • CrashPlan offers me many more customization options – I can have it throttle down its bandwidth and CPU usage when I’m using the computer, and then throttle up when I step away. I can also set priorities and schedules.
    • The KILLER CrashPlan feature for me is unlimited data retention. If I backup an entire hard drive to CrashPlan, and then unplug it, the data will stay on CrashPlan’s servers indefinitely, provided I have it set to never erase data, and keep paid up on my account (which is inexpensive). This was the absolute most critical feature for me. No longer do I have to worry about going on the road with my laptop for months on end, and having the data backed up from my now unplugged external hard drives expunged from the backup service when the data presence timer times out after a month – which I believe happens with Backblaze.
    • CrashPlan is inexpensive – I paid for 4 years at a time, which makes it less than $3/month. Plus, if I cancel before those 4 years, they’ll give me a pro-rated refund. What more could I ask for?

    All Your Files, In Your Pocket – CrashPlan Mobile Apps | The Code 42 CrashPlan Blog.