Tag: GE

  • Video: Energy & Dynamic Braking Demo from GE

    Amazing video for GE Ecomagination demonstrating differences in the energy contained within different objects. Great filming, graphic overlay, titles, music

    Energy: you can’t destroy it, but you can certainly waste it. That’s what most motorized vehicles do, including trains. Usually, the energy generated when you stop a moving vehicle is dissipated as heat, and is lost to the atmosphere. With GE’s ecomagination we’ve discovered that you can capture and store that energy, then reuse it – that’s how our hybrid systems work. Watch the video to see a simple illustration of the physics behind dynamic braking. Keep in mind an object’s force is measured in newtons, using the equation force = Mass x Acceleration.

    Previously, I wrote about GE’s use of Augmented Reality to advertise its smart grid energy technology.

  • GE Gives Us Wind and Solar Power With Augmented Reality

    GE Gives Us Wind and Solar Power With Augmented Reality

    smartgrid-augmented-reality-testTo promote it’s Smart Grid Technology, GE just put up its super cool Smart Grid augmented reality site. You simply print out a target image on a piece of paper, and show it to your webcam. The Augmented Reality flash element, powered by the FLAR Tool Kit, picks up on the target and shows you a 3D, interactive scene, that follows the piece of paper around the screen, even scaling and changing perspective angle, in real time. Nifty way to bring augmented reality to the masses. Below is a video of Dave Surgan and I trying it out. Dave also posted a pic of us trying out augmented reality.