Tag: nike plus redesign

  • Why Nike+ Still Sucks

    Why Nike+ Still Sucks

    At long last, Nike has updated their Nike+ site. Finally a bit more usability and customization, with the ability to name my runs, include what shoe I was wearing, etc. It’s still not as robust as it should be, but a nice update.

    Notable Improvements:

    • Custom workout names
    • Shoe/equipment naming
    • Tighter social integration, with automatic sharing to social networks, Facebook, Twitter
    • Updated design and all new layout
    • Easy input of user biometrics to aid in workout tracking
    • New email report scheduling

    Still to go:

    • No direct user control over 3rd party service integration – NIke instructs users to contact customer service directly for management. Fail.
    • Device-specific management screen is non-functional
    • Still can’t import/export activities, or integrate with any other 3rd party services!!! The first comprehensive sports and activity tracking website to offer full integration with all other sites and forms of data wins. Really. If Nike+ would work with my Garmin Forerunner watch, my Withings Bodyscale, and all the other devices I use to track workouts, I’d use it exclusively. If Garmin Connect would work with my Nike+ app (Because the Garmin app sucks), and my Withings Body Scale, I would use it for everything. But there’s still no service that tracks everything. In my opinion, the first company to make this happen will capture the market.