
  • Moderating Boulder Startup Week 2017’s Future Tech Photography 2.0 Panel

    Moderating Boulder Startup Week 2017’s Future Tech Photography 2.0 Panel

    Today I was honored to work with a great group of industry experts in moderating the Boulder Startup Week 2017 “Future Tech Photography 2.0” Panel at Riverside in Boulder, Colorado. We discussed a number of topics related to future media and photography. Thanks to photo experts Marc Morris, Ian Glass, Matt Treece and Kevin Owocki…

  • Speaking at Boulder Startup Week 2016 – Future of Tech: The World in 2026

    Speaking at Boulder Startup Week 2016 – Future of Tech: The World in 2026

    This year as part of Boulder Startup Week, I spoke on Technology Driving Digital Photography at the “Future of Tech: The World in 2026“. The packed session was hosted at startup co-working space Galvanize, and it was a fun opportunity to connect with an engaged audience on future technologies in an environment fostering the creation of new tech.…

  • Shooting in Rocky Mountain National Park for Geo Magazine, Germany

    Shooting in Rocky Mountain National Park for Geo Magazine, Germany

    Last month, I had the opportunity to work with international journalist Sandra Henderson shooting photos for a special report on Rocky Mountain National Park for Germany’s adventure/lifestyle magazine GEO. Here’s the result, a front page piece highlighting both my photography and Sandra’s reporting. GEO Germany, Sept 2014 – “ROCKY MOUNTAINS NATIONALPARK Wildnis für jedermann” (Front…

  • A Map Of The Most Photographed Places In The World. Let’s Go To The Least!

    A Map Of The Most Photographed Places In The World. Let’s Go To The Least!

    Based on geolocation data from Panorimio, here’s an excellent map of the most photographed places on earth, but together by While I’m sure a good portion of this map data corrolates with “population density of those who can afford cameras” as Reddit user kingleo1 points out, it’s still an interesting study of where people…

  • Photography Portfolio: Adventure Travel with the Sony RX-100

    Photography Portfolio: Adventure Travel with the Sony RX-100

    During the past year, I spent 3.5 months living and working at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, Antarctica, and then traveled solo through Southeast Asia. At my side consistently through my year of extreme adventure was the best pocket camera I’ve ever used, the Sony RX-100. Now that I’ve returned, here’s a quick portfolio of…

  • Hiking in Boulder, Colorado

    Hiking in Boulder, Colorado

    What a wonderful hike up Dakota Ridge, to a beautiful view to the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, just outside of Boulder, Colorado. Such a nice change from the concrete canyons of my “other” life in New York City.

  • A Year in Photos: 3492 Photos On Flickr

    A Year in Photos: 3492 Photos On Flickr

    This year, like many years before it, was certainly a year of photos for me. I try to keep all of my online photo postings consolodated into my Flickr photo stream. It’s a great place to keep all of my photos, and easily share them around. Currently, I’m adding photos to Flickr through a couple…

  • Quora Answer: What is the best point-and-shoot camera for concert photography?

    Quora Answer: What is the best point-and-shoot camera for concert photography?

    Here’s my quick answer to this question, originally posted on Quora. I currently have Canon’s new Powershot S-100 camera on backorder from B&H, and will surely be making a post about it once I have some time to use it. Quora Question: What is the best point-and-shoot camera for concert photography? My Answer:

  • A Weekend in the Hamptons

    Last weekend I spend time with family out in Sag Harbor, Long Island. Here are a few shots from the weekend. Email me for a link to the full private photo set.

  • Occipital’s 360 Panorama iOS App

    Occipital’s 360 Panorama iOS App

    Lately I’ve been steadily using, and loving Occipital’s 360 Panorama iOS App, which I use on my iPhone 4. During the last few years, I’ve used a couple of different panorama and photo stitching apps including the excellent AutoStitch, and this one is by far the best so far. The trick to its success is…

  • Photos from New Years in Telluride, Colorado

    Photos from New Years in Telluride, Colorado

    This past holiday season, my father and I spent time in Telluride, Colorado. We got in a couple great days of skiing and snowboarding, among other things. Photos from the trip…

  • Exploring the Salkantay Trail and Machu Pichu in Peru

    Exploring the Salkantay Trail and Machu Pichu in Peru

    This past September, my friend Chris Shybut and I spend 10 days trekking through Peru. During the trip, we explored all over, and had some great adventures. The trip also forced us to brush up on our Spanish – a much needed refresher. During the urban parts of the trip, we explored the cities of…

  • Photos Entered in the 2010 NY Photo Festival Awards

    The New York Photo Festival is coming up this April 12 – 16, and I have two photos submitted. This shot I took last spring on the New York City Highline is submitted in the Fine Art category. This photo of kids in Belize is submitted in the PhotoJournalism Category. The award ceremony is April…

  • Snow Day Picture Published in the New York Times

    Snow Day Picture Published in the New York Times

    During last week’s ultra NYC Winter Apocalypse snow day, I took a quick snapsho of the snowy fire escapes in the alleyway behind my office, and sent it in to the New York Times. They ended up publishing it in two separate galleries of snow pictures, along with other reader-submitted pics. Check it out! Interactive…

  • Portable Photo Safe – Backup Those Giant Memory Cards

    Portable Photo Safe – Backup Those Giant Memory Cards

    This Photo Safe II from Digital Foci sounds like nifty gadget..especially for traveling. I’d use it to backup pictures on my memory card, and not necessarily to offload the pictures…. ie not deleting memory cards after copying to the it. That way,the camera is lost or stolen while traveling, there’s still a backup of the…