• Infographic: The SEO Salary Guide from Onward Search

    Infographic: The SEO Salary Guide from Onward Search

    Very very interesting infographic today – a breakdown of typical salaries for positions within the SEO industry, in which I work. Thanks Onward Search for this great SEO salary guide and…. I’ll be in touch soon! SEO Salary Jobs Guide PDF Download

  • Interactive Media Strategy Portfolio

    I’m an experienced interactive media and technology consultant, mobile development strategist and marketing professional. Interactive Media Experience: Direction of Interactive Media Development Management of technical requirements and startup considerations Evaluation of positioning of product in market and of competitive landscape Consultation on interactive marketing strategy and execution Mobile media and application strategy and development Top-Ranking…

  • Google favors mobile optimized sites in their mobile search results

    Google favors mobile optimized sites in their mobile search results

    Recently, a client asked me about Google Mobile Search Results, and how the algorithm works to prioritize results aimed specifically at mobile users. In general, I believe that Google favors mobile optimized sites in their mobile search results. There are a number of usability features, such as location base services, screen real estate, and touch…

  • LVMH’s Is Ranked #1 of 7 Stellar Examples of Branded Content from the Fashion Industry on Mashable

    LVMH’s Is Ranked #1 of 7 Stellar Examples of Branded Content from the Fashion Industry on Mashable

    This week, Macala Wright Lee of popular industry blog ranked LVMH’s Fashion and Art Culture Site site in the top position in their 2010 wrapup of the 7 Stellar Examples of Branded Content from the Fashion Industry. It’s been great working with NOWNESS over the last few months on their SEO and interactive…

  • SEO Audit Checklist

    Over the years of doing SEO audits for clients, I’ve developed a brief “SEO Checklist” of items that I like to make sure to at least consider with every site. The list is far from comprehensive. Instead it gives me a good jumping off point to assess a number of potential SEO problems and optimizations.…

  • SEO Moz Advanced Training Seminar Notes Wrapup

    SEO Moz Advanced Training Seminar Notes Wrapup

    A few weeks ago I attended the SEO Moz Advanced SEO Training Seminar in Seattle, Washington. Below are my notes from a few of the talks we had, covering a wide variety of SEO topics. If you’re interested, most of our seminar should be available on DVD.

  • Search Engine Strategies 2008 – 2 Questions

    Search Engine Strategies 2008 – 2 Questions

    Last week was then annual Search Engine Strategies New York conference. It’s billed as “the intersection of search, marketing & commerce”, and includes talks, panels and discussion on many aspects of the online search world – both Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM). I work in SEO, and attended most of the…