Tag: tokyo news

  • Speaking On The Tokyo News To Houtoku About Panasonic

    Speaking On The Tokyo News To Houtoku About Panasonic

    A few months ago I was interviewed about electronics, and consumer brands for a news program called “Houtoku” (Translated to English), which broadcasts on the Tokyo Broadcast System’s network. They didn’t tell me at the time, but the interview was for a piece on Panasonic’s brand consolidation name change. Now, finally after a little waiting, here’s the video of the news segment. This is cut out of a bigger block of programming. In all, the interviewed me for about an hour, and shot a lot of other footage around my apartment – zooming in on my electronics, panning around, and taking a lot of random shots of me and Elsye just standing there wondering what to do. Out of all that footage, they used about 30 seconds of it. Be sure to start watching at around 9 minutes into the video, for the part in my apartment. Finally, if you speak Japanese, please let me know what they dubbed me over as saying.

    Here’s the previous blog post, covering the interview, with photos of the film crew.

    The article on TBS’ site. The segment (my section starts at 9 minutes)

    One final note – YouTube recently enabled deep linking within videos, so the embedded video should have been already cued to 9 minutes. Thanks TechCrunch and ReelSEO for tips on how to implement this feature.

    **Update 2008-11-13 – I was just contacted by the producer at TBS who set this thing up with me, and asked to take the video off of my site, sighting copyright restrictions. I’ve complied with their request, but find it unfortunate that a large media outlet like TBS would ask a blogger giving them positive international exposure to remove media, without offering an alternative. TBS, I understand your copyright concerns with me putting the video online myself – and I support your decision to defend your copyright. However, might I suggest that you make video segments of your content available to the web yourself, on your own site and on your own terms, so that people like me and other fans of Houtoku can more fully and respectfully engage your brand in the online world. Thanks!